Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 197,846,079 Issue: 1008 | 17th day of Hunting, Y26
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Purrposterous 3

by sonderponder

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Elizia and the Krawk Island Boat Race
"Elizia awoke the next day with a shock. Two beady black eyes were staring straight into hers. She fell back into her pillow, and realised she was looking at..."

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Quiz: Which Evil Coconut Are You?
A curious question crosses your mind, as you stare at the wide variety of evil coconuts smirking back at you: Which Evil Coconut are you most like? Collab with 9kas

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The Young Archer
"Altador was lovely this time of year. The sea breeze was cool and gentle, the smells of fresh pastries and floral perfume filled every corner of the city..."

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Ashes of the Alabriss
"Hanso had made significant progress with Taffy. Between respecting his boundaries, feeding him while Brynn was at the stable, and occasionally offering him treats, the Naalala was now confident enough to allow Hanso to pet him…"

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