Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 197,890,907 Issue: 1017 | 20th day of Gathering, Y26
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Daily Void Collecting

by i_lovee_icecream

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Great stories!


The Kronborg Chronicles: A Sister’s Mission
"A Grey Draik wearing a grey version of the uniform of Meridell’s Draik Guards landed next to the door of the royal carriage, opened it, and let down the step. Both Jeran and Tor..."

by joyfulcabbage


The Setting Sun
The heat of the afternoon had given way to a simmering eventide, the stagnant air a miasma of compressed sweat, the lingering odour of abandoned food and drink, and the ethereal emptiness created by the recent vacancy of what was once a massive crowd.

by skatabo


The Fleapit Motel
Charlotte the Red Kougra was having a tough morning and it was not even 9:00 am NST.

by spukl1


A Different Type of Treasure
It's 10pm, do you know where your Neopets are? Collab with one_headlight

by _hannah123445_

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