A Meerca's Mission by weakestlink33
“The Alien Aisha’s name was Aishtra and not only did she work at the Space Station, but she lived in the same section of dorms as Matatat did. Matatat wanted to corner her at work out on the deck, but everyone else agreed that that was a horrible idea and they should just go to her dorm. Trying to talk to her at work meant there’d be more eyes on them, and they needed to tread carefully after their encounter with the Grundos. Even though spilling the beans would mean outing themselves as Sloth supporters, they could still get word back to the big guy, and Chuychu was hoping to avoid that if at all possible. “Please let us do the talking on this one, okay?” Macer said to Matatat as Killua used Chuychu’s mental instructions to find the Aisha’s dorm. “But if she’s a Sloth supporter, then we could bond over it!” Matatat said. “And why couldn’t I bring Eliv 2 with me? He’s my best friend!” “It’s best that we don’t show him off in public too much right now,” Macer answered. “We’re trying to not attract too much attention yet. Don’t worry, someday you two can walk together freely.” “Fiiiiine,” Matatat said with an exaggerated sigh. Approaching the area she lived in, the group was able to find which dorm was hers by the nameplate outside of it. Matatat reached out and touched with reverence like it was the plaque on a shrine. Killua was quick to smack his hand away. “Remember, let us do the talking. We don’t want this to be another Grundo incident,” he hissed before knocking on the door. A few moments later, the door opened by a crack and one eye peered through it. “Can I help you?” “Hi, Aishtra? My name is Killua and these are my friends. I hope we’re not bothering you.” “I’m not interested in buying anything, thank you,” the voice behind the door said, beginning to close it. “Oh, no, we’re not trying to sell anything! We just wanted to chat quickly. It’s about the Space Station,” Killua said before she got the chance to shut the door. The door opened a little more and revealed Aishtra’s full head, without her helmet on. She still looked at them with suspicion, but her voice wasn’t as tense as it had been before. “Oh, okay, I don’t know how much I can answer since I’m only a pilot. And don’t ask me to give out any Space Station secrets, either. That’ll get me in big trouble.” “Don’t worry, we would never,” Killua said, bowing his head slightly. With the door half-open, Aishtra’s gaze went to the rest of the group, and her eyes quickly locked on Matatat. “Hey, aren’t you that guy that keeps sneaking around all the time?” “So everyone just knows who you are, huh?” Macer said, rolling his eyes. “I’m sorry!” Matatat whined. “I go on big, important missions all the time! I can’t help it if that makes me famous!” “I wouldn’t exactly say famous buuuut…” Aishtra trailed off with a shrug. “Whatever. As I said, just don’t ask me any secrets. I either don’t know them or will get fired if I tell them to you.” “We actually wanted to know your opinion on Sloth, if you don’t mind us asking. We’re hearing rumors of Sloth supporters infiltrating the ranks of Space Station employees,” Killua explained with a small smile. “I happen to know of a few myself. Now, I could go either way with my opinion on the guy, but my allegiance tends to go with whatever side seems like they’re going to win. Based on the supporters I’ve spoken to, I think he’s got a pretty good chance of making some big moves around here soon.” “Now, forgive us if this puts us into the territory of asking about secrets, but have you seen anything that might indicate some Sloth supporter activity amongst the employees here?” Macer asked. Aishtra frowned. “How do I know you’re not working for the Space Faerie’s Guard? They sniff out Sloth supporters like nobody’s business.” Macer’s ears twitched as he received a brief message from Chuychu in his head. “I have it on good authority that they’ve been a bit lax lately. In fact, some pro-Sloth sentiment has been beginning to spread through their ranks.” “Oh yeah? And who told you that?” Aishtra said, leaning back a bit. “Horace. The one that works primarily in the East quarters. I’m not saying he’s a supporter, but I think his opinion would also fall by the way of whomever has the advantage…” Macer said, trailing off to try and gauge Aishtra’s reaction before saying anything else. Aishtra stared at them blankly, her face impossible to read. The silence between everyone felt like it stretched out for years, with Matatat barely able to hold back any comments. Finally, she nodded. “Well, the guy fascinates me. I’d be interested in seeing where the chips fall for him. Why, what are you looking for?” “We want to get to Sloth,” Macer answered. “I know you recognize Matatat here. He’s got some big plans and things he needs to tell Sloth. Top secret. We can let you in on our plan if you’re willing to get us there.” “Apparently there’s some planet past Kreludor called Althrax. Last I heard, he may have gotten out of that floating coin and set up a base there,” Killua added. Aishtra’s eyes widened with recognition. “Althrax, huh? Yeah, I’m familiar. Can’t say I’ve ever seen it up close, but I could find it on a map and would be able to get there if necessary.” “Really? You could take us?” Matatat asked, his eyes full of glee. “Well, I never said that. Just that I could go. I’m not saying I’m going anywhere with you guys. I have my own agenda and don’t need any help, thank you,” Aishtra said. “Then how could we make it worth your while?” Macer asked. “Neopoints? Rare goods? Access to anything or anyone?” Aishtra looked surprised for a moment. “You wanna offer me a bribe?” “Don’t call it a bribe, call it… a free exchange of goods and services,” Killua said with a devilish grin. “You use a ship and get us to Althrax, we pay you for the service of doing so. Maybe even a little more if you could contribute to the plan.” “Hmm…” Aishtra rubbed her chin and her extra antenna-ears twitched in thought. “Well, I suppose it would’ve been hard for me to get there and get to see Sloth all by myself. So how about we work together on this and you each pay me the standard rate for a spaceship trip?” Killua looked back at Matatat, who looked uncomfortable. Before he could say that he was unsure if the Meerca could pay for himself, Chuychu’s voice in his head told him that she would take care of the Neopoint exchange. “Got it. We’ll have the money for you before we take off.” Aishtra smiled warmly, with just a hint of mischief behind her eyes. “Wonderful. Why don’t you boys come in? Can I get you anything? I made myself a Strawberry and Cheese Milkshake earlier today, I think I still have some left over. Or maybe some Pasta And Eyes?” Killua, Macer, and Matatat all looked at each other awkwardly until Aishtra burst out laughing. “I’m just kidding! Not all Alien Aishas eat gross food, just those ones who run the Nerkmid Vending Machine. That’s such a silly stereotype. I’ve just got regular space food here if you’re hungry.” As the group entered her dorm, they immediately noticed that hers was a lot bigger than Matatat’s. The Meerca looked around in awe as he saw a much sleeker, chrome interior to the dorm, as well as a separate living room, kitchen, and bedroom. “How did you get such sweet digs?” He asked. “Oh, you’re not an employee, huh? I think people who just rent the dorms here have to pay quite a bit extra to get the nicer rooms. The basic ones are kinda sad looking,” Aishtra said, pulling out her kettle and filling it up with water. “Make yourselves at home, just don’t touch any of my work stuff.” The three boys sat down on the couches, being mindful of the Space Station pilot uniform draped over one side of a couch and the helmet on top of the coffee table. After a few minutes, the kettle started whistling, and Aishtra poured out green tea for everyone. Matatat was still in awe of her space and nearly spilled his cup of tea on himself as he gaped at the posters on the walls and the holographic screen next to the front door. Currently it was showing the time, the weather forecast for different parts of Neopia, and today’s Neopian Times headlines as news broke. Finally, after she had doled out the teacups, Aishtra sat down across from everyone and drummed her fingers in her lap. “So, let’s talk logistics, boys. What have you got for me?” To be continued…