teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 164,193,660 Issue: 179 | 25th day of Awakening, Y7
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Faerie Woes

by roller_coaster26

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An Echo on the Wind
The specter relaxed his will, sighing. These people, they were so ignorant... So many had tried to figure him out. So many had tried and failed. He wondered why he was so intriguing. He was really just like everyone else...

by eternally_forgotten


The Adventures of Tarin and Zeke: The Dark Book - Part Five
"Okay, okay!" said the Krawk. "In that room down there, see?" he said motioning over his shoulder. "The door's still open. The book's on the stand! Now let me u-!"

by sapphire123208


Employment Bites
A marketing world. A world filled with what normal creatures like to call jobs. And for those weird people, it’s what they like to call fun. Getting a job out there in Neopia is a toughie, and can take tons of perseverance, determination, and hard work.

by blubblub317


Don't Feed Florg (Petpets)
Ever wanted to complain about the giant mutant Chia named Florg? I have, obviously…that’s why I made this article! Well, to tell the truth, it’s not all about Florg the giant mutant Chia, it’s about the game he stars in too; “Feed Florg”.

by asia_flash_forever

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