The Beauty Shop of Horrors: Part One by blubblub317
Hannah the Usul panted heavily as she trudged her way through
the exit of The Galagarth Caves in Krawk Island. The sun's rays bounced on the
outside walls of the cave, ricocheting through the inside and illuminating the
water with golden sparkles. Hannah breathed in the cool air, a much better feeling
then the stuffy, humid air from the caves. She threw back a lock of her greasy
brown hair, and fell on the warm, soft sand. Finally, she closed her eyes and
fell into the wonderful world of sleep…
Dr. Sloth drummed his fingers against the steel
table of his secret lair. His hair flopped nonchalantly and an expression of
dismay was planted on his face. The doctor was not in a good mood today. Three
dozen of his Mutant Grundo army had suddenly vanished while excavating some
sites on Kreludor. Sloth had a hunch that it was Gorix and Cylara who had zapped
them away.
"Oh well," he hissed, "they'll see what happens
when you mess with an evil overlord. I'll just kidnap MORE Grundos and make
an even bigger army! MWUHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
"Uh, Dr. Sloth," a voice suddenly piped from
the entrance of the lair.
Sloth swiveled his chair to find a little orange
Grundo with a huge notebook full of shuffled paper standing timidly at the front
"What is it, Tooters?" Dr. Sloth moaned, sinking
his face into his hands.
"W-well, t-the thing is..uh…" Beads of sweat
rolled down Tooters's forehead.
"I SAID WHAT IS IT, TOOTERS?!" boomed the malicious
The poor Grundo jumped up from shocked, and began
rambling about the unfortunate events that had just occurred. "I don't know
how anybody could do this, but it seems that all your Neopoints from the National
Neopian Bank have somehow mysteriously disappeared! The confirmations arrived
this morning at the Space Station, but I was only informed of this till now."
Dr. Frank Sloth was not a villain who took bad
news easily. In fact, he despised bad news. His life was meant to only have
good news in it, not bad. So when he heard that all his Neopoints had somehow
gone missing, he went ballistic.
Tooters bobbed his head frantically and sped
out of the lair. Having to declare bad news to Dr. Frank Sloth was the worst
job in the entire world.
"Hannah! Hannah! I can't believe you're finally
here!" a voice exclaimed. The little Usul felt her body being shaken.
Hannah slowly fluttered her eyes open. The sight
of an Island Usul standing before her seemed hazy, but it was visible. The Usul
was bending down towards her face, eyes glinting with a mound of excitement.
Suddenly, the realization of who it was hit Hannah like a treasure chest.
"Tina!" Hannah shrieked, throwing herself up
from the sand and squeezing her best friend in her arms. "Oh my gosh, I haven't
seen you for over a year!"
Tine squealed in a girlish tone, and squeezed
back. "I know, girlfriend! Gosh, where have you been?!"
Hannah let go of Tina and smiled warmly. "Oh,
there were so many more treasures then I had expected in the Pirate Caves. One
turned out to be ten, and then ten turned out to be a hundred!"
"Eeee! Did you bring anything back?"
Hannah reached into her small pocket and fished
out a pile of amazingly shiny coins. "It's the most I could take with all the
adventures I went through. But it's still worth lots."
Tina's mouth opened in awe, and she gazed at
the coins in wonder. "That's amazing Hannah. You really are an incredible explorer."
Hannah's cheeks turned into a deep shade of ruby.
Her friend always threw compliments to her, and she felt guilty not passing
some back when she should have.
"Wait," said Tina, cutting through Hannah's thoughts,
"where's the rest of the treasure that you found?"
"Well," began Hannah, "it belonged to many creatures
far and about. It was all stolen by those filthy pirates who thought they could
get away with such a malicious crime. These were all very needy people who had
worked hard for their Neopoints, and the pirates took it all away."
"And you brought it back to them?" asked Tina,
Hannah nodded. "Exactly. Now can we head back
to your place for some lemonade? I'm exhausted." Hannah was not one to brag
about her adventures. She was a very modest Usul.
"Oh honey, you sure do look like you're exhausted,"
Tine pointed out as the two made their way towards her home. "I mean, look at
the lines under your eyes. They're the size of apricots! And look at this filthy
hair. EEE! Your skin! It's so greasy!"
Hannah shrugged. "That's what I get for exploring
all of those Pirate Caves.
"Girl, we're gonna' need to bring you to a Beauty
Shop as soon as possible!"
Hannah's eyes widened in surprise. "A beauty
shop?!" she scoffed. "Never! Never in a million years! Beauty shops are blargh!"
Tine rolled her eyes amusingly. "Oh, don't be
so naïve! They'll fix you all up so you'll look gorgeous!"
Hannah knew she had lost her case. One Tina stuck
with something, she would never give up. The small Usul heaved a sigh. "Where
are we going to find a beauty shop in the first place?"
"This is ticking me off."
The words droned in the private meeting headquarters
of Virtupets Space Station. Dr. Sloth had announced a meeting to take place
at 2:00 p.m. sharp and all of his top-notch executives were required to be present.
"Is there anyway to find out who did this?" a
mammoth red Skeith grunted from the back of the narrow table.
"Yes, Comma, but I don't have time!" snapped
Sloth irritably. "It could take months, even years to discover who did this
despicable…thing. The Defenders of Neopia declared there weren't even
any fingerprints!"
Ms. Gulloba, Sloth's assistant, gasped. "The
Defenders of Neopia are on this case?!"
"Of course, but they don't know that it's my
account!" replied Sloth to the purple Grarrl. "They wouldn't help me for millions.
When I first created the account, I paid an innocent little Grundo to create
me one, who was then zapped into a Mutant Grundo of course. Then, I cashed in
all of my royalties with the codename Sloopeh. Those idiots didn't even know
what hit them."
Dr. Frank Sloth and all of his executives began
laughing ferociously from the villain's mastermind plans. His plan had been
intricate to the finest detail, until this had all happened.
"There's just going to have to be some way I
can get all of those Neopoints back," boomed Sloth. "Plus some more, just for
the heck of it. Villains like me always need hefty amounts of cash."
"W-well, how much did you originally have in
your account, Dr. Sloth?" questioned Ms. Gulloba pointedly.
Dr. Sloth paused for a moment, and then yelled
Everyone gasped in awe.
Dr. Sloth grinned. "No, I'm just playing with
you all." He paused. "ONE BILLION NEOPOINTS!"
Everyone gasped in wonder.
Dr. Sloth cackled. "You're all even stupider
then I imagined." He paused. "TEN MILLION NEOPOINTS!"
Everyone kept quiet.
The chicken villain groaned. "I mean it this
All of the executive's face lit up, and they
gasped in a rather sarcastic tone this time around.
"Oh, stop it everyone with your one-act plays.
Get out of here! You've been no help."
All of the executives were quite content to be
leaving. Dr. Sloth had never treated them properly from the very first time
they had been hired, and it looked like he never would in the near future. Once
they had all left the room, Sloth plodded clumsily into his leather swivel chair.
His brain pounded with all of the questions that had cluttered into his mind.
"Think, think, think," he groaned. "What can
I do to gain lots of Neopoints?"
All of a sudden, a thick tube of red lipstick
rolled towards his fingertips. It was unopened, and the initials A.G. were engraved
in it. "Hmmm, this must be Ms. Gulloba's," said Sloth to himself.
Suddenly, the villain's face lit up. "Oooh, I
have a…PLAN!!!"
"Ah, that lemonade was good."
"Want some more?"
The twitters of Pawkeet's rang throughout the
backyard of Tine's large home on the edge of Krawk Island's beaches. It was
an expensive and beautiful residence, one that anyone would die to live in.
Tina had inherited it from her great-grandfather who had discovered amazing
riches in the Galagarth Caves. This was how Hannah had gotten the idea to explore
there as well. The ideas of mounds of riches and a home like Tina lived in piqued
her interest, and so she headed off for an adventure almost a year ago.
Hannah sipped on another glass of lemonade. The
cool and sweet feeling pleasured her taste buds. She wasn't used to such fine
drinks and foods. Eating old Ghost Marshmallows and Pickled Olives each night
had made her used to awful and aged provisions.
"So, when do you want to go to the Beauty Shop?"
Tina squealed, munching on a cookie from the cookie jar.
Hannah groaned. "About that. Um, I don't really
think I want to go. I mean, I'm not into all that girly stuff that you're into."
Tina playfully hit Hannah's elbow. "Oh, don't
be silly, honey. All girls need some touch-up once in awhile."
"Well, what are they going to do to me?" asked
Hannah nervously.
"Hannah, you make it seem like they're going
to take over your mind or something!"
Hannah crossed her arms and lay on them in despair.
"You never know," she mumbled.
"Look," began Tina, "they're just going to fix
up your hair, maybe color it to a gorgeous lighter shade. Maybe something like
auburn. Give you some makeup tips. You know? All that stuff!"
"MAKEUP?!" shrieked Hannah. "Never! NO! YOU'RE
Tina narrowed her eyes. "Fine, no makeup. But
you're going, girl, and that's that! All expenses paid by moi!"
To Be Continued…