Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 97,878,627 Issue: 186 | 15th day of Eating, Y7
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How To Rule Neopia

by castor_b

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Neopia Acres
Whoa, cosmic...

by wyomingslim


New Neopia, New Pets?
With the quickly increasing rate of new Neopets species appearing, who knows what could be next? The next Neopet isn't too far away, that's for sure, but what will it be, what can we expect?

Also by precious_katuch14

by tambourine_chimp


Fond Memories: N00b Initiative
What's next?

by prettyprincesslady54


Destination: Kreludor - Part One
Visiting the Lost Desert and the Ruins of Maraqua had been fun, but going to the Virtupets Space Station where that crazy guy called Sloth lurked around? Duh. No.

by shadowcristal

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