Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 94,333,932 Issue: 184 | 1st day of Eating, Y7
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The Joke's On You!

by scarletrhapsody

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Anger Management Game Tips
Did the Pant Devil steal your favorite PB? Did the Tax Beast unjustly tax you? Did the Bug Brothers steal all of your NP? Were your pets threatened by the Grundo Commander? Or did you just simply "misplace" your Neopoints?

by chris_loves_sany_q


Jhudaberry Soup: Part Four
Whatever Merielfy's doing, it's not working, Skylark thought with a groan. Had her friend gone mad?

by sky___phoenix


Camping Dangerously
Gnarled tree branches hanging over their heads cast shadows that seemed to surround and trap them. A loud gust of wind rustled the trees.

by yugi90163


The Pet Patrol Revolution - Cooking

by neo_tomi

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