Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 90,556,196 Issue: 161 | 8th day of Collecting, Y6
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by allelementalfaerie11

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Great stories!


Princess of Erodaire III: Part Six
"My mother...Aletha...tell me more about her," I said in a steady voice, almost as if I was trying to order him to do so.

by christinetran


The Eragotten Legacy: Part Four
"Jag Sequen… So we meet again… The circumstances have taken a turn for the better in my position, of course…" Joseph muttered, smirking. Jag remained silent.

by dando52


The Shadows in the Light
"Where is your owner?" it slipped out. I hadn't meant to ask that question, not yet, anyways. But it did seem such a beautiful, nice pet should have an owner.

by legilis


Hotel Report
Stuck choosing between Cockroach Towers and Astrovilla (like that's hard), or falling for Presidential Palace?

by cherry_blossom_43

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