Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 95,556,587 Issue: 188 | 28th day of Eating, Y7
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Wockys Don't Wear Overalls

by great_kougyoku

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Masila - Admitting Her Past
"You haven't answered my question, Madam. Why do you frown so if the weather is so fine?" pestered the Ixi.

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Gallery of Evil: Vira
The faerie Acara’s name was Vira, and she was perhaps one of the most beautiful Acaras in Neopia, or at least that was how she put it...

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Everyday Adventures of Zack Zafara
How's that for a sales pitch?

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Her mother smiled. She didn't know the real reason why Rika liked coming to school early these days, and stuck with the idea that her daughter spent the extra time at school in the morning studying.

by mistwolfer

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