Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 95,556,587 Issue: 188 | 28th day of Eating, Y7
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Neopian Neophyte

by leedom111

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Great stories!


Moonlit Peaks: Part Four
"We'll head off as soon as we can. I need to rescue those two pets before their lunatic owners lose me my job."

by battlesunn


Jhudora's Amulet
"I wouldn't touch it, I've read the whole Neopedia, and in all of it, nothing good comes from touching strange objects," I said confidently.

by starshine835


Hooked On A Snarhook: Part Three
"When I heard that some brown Kyrii had been found lying on the castle grounds I knew it was you," said a familiar voice next to him. It was Hitieks. He couldn't see him, but Erals knew.. "Won't leave without a battle, huh?"

Also by neonick19881988

by imogenweasley


Crazed, Whatever That Means?
Not feeling so good...

Also by patrick3675

by humblely

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