The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 96,313,980 Issue: 190 | 13th day of Hunting, Y7
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Pojo's Paint Brush

by pojolocohammerfoot

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Grasping At Shadows -- Talking Snowagers
Moral: Reality is a Matter of Opinion

by mindsend


The Resistance
Kids just say the cutest things.

by melodiq


Encountering Wild: Part Three
I did not even hear him come, but I do admit that I was partially blind to all else except myself. Nevertheless, Wild was still there, and he was staring at me with the expression I have come to know.

by christinetran


A Guide To Grand Theft Ummagine
Have you ever played this difficult game and thought, "Wha!? How am I suppose to even complete one level?" Or something along those lines?

by tj_babewithbrains

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