For an easier life Circulation: 90,556,131 Issue: 162 | 15th day of Collecting, Y6
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by sukuyumaruchan

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Where's the Good Stuff?
What kind of Money Tree are you?

by shadih_temporary


Carrots! Carrots! And more CARROTS! It seems all over Neopia, Neopians are celebrating carrots! Of course new items have appeared!

by samerraa


Run Away to Knighthood: Part One
Nobody will play with me, no one appreciates me…why in Neopia did they adopt me in the first place anyway? Maybe because they just…just…"

by precious_katuch14


65 Ways To Get Yourself Chased By an Angry Mob
The whole key is to disturb, annoy and/or otherwise infuriate as many people as possible. But first, you need to know how to recognize a mob.

by island_faerie10

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