For an easier life Circulation: 96,497,777 Issue: 189 | 6th day of Hunting, Y7
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Everyday Adventures of Zack Zafara

by rufusrockskp

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What They Don't Tell You About Usuki Frenzy...
You look at the bottom of that screen trying to see which Usukis to gather, but you can’t seem to get the right ones in a good enough time to get a trophy! Frustrated, right?

by x_rooster_x


The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Stolen Sharky - Part Four
I just spotted three different species in a few seconds and the tour boat is filled up. What's wrong with this picture?

by playmobil_is_my_life


Who knew it was the Shop Wizard?

by fiery_little_shoyru


The Power of Song
"I mean, I understand people talking and using their voices, but singing like that?" Kamira frowned. "Please... now, if you'll excuse me, I think I'll take a little promenade to get that echo out of my ears."

by shadowcristal

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