Meow Circulation: 97,025,825 Issue: 191 | 21st day of Hunting, Y7
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All Ears

by tdyans

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Negg Sweeper - The Game You Didn’t Know About
Negg Sweeper is a game that most Neopians look right pass, without giving it a second thought. All that should change.

by cyanamide


More Reasons To Boycott The Tongue Shrinkers
It is a bit different, but it is an equivalent to the previous; however, the threats, are getting more serious...

Also by moonila32

by kikik312


Eupheria had been here, that was one thing for sure. But she wasn't here now and the bucket that she was supposed to bring water to us with was down in the well, out of anyone's reach. What had happened?

by shadowcristal


Neopian Acronyms: A Basic Guide
We've all experienced it, anyone who is new to Neopets is bound to have trouble understanding all the acronyms that are carelessly thrown around by more experienced users...

by xtrat

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