Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 111,440,439 Issue: 192 | 26th day of Hunting, Y7
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Kooky Absurdity

by tsukuyomaru

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The Random Events that Never Made It
Random events. They’re something that all Neopians experience. “What are random events?” some may ask. Well, they’re events that are... um... random! Yeah, that was a great article starter.

by skittleiciousgirl


The Missing Mint Kyrii Ice Cream: Part Four
With new energy, I tried to make my brain think of other possibilities. Perhaps one of the kids that the suspects and Mr. Chipper had talked about stole the ice cream?

by shadowcristal


Jovianna: In the Beginning
Jovianna enjoyed the attention: after living in the horrible pound for so long, it was good to have a home and an owner, especially one as caring as Calliope...

by evil_mr_scary


Yurbles, Kougras, and Bori! Oh my!
What the owners don't hear...

by unicorn_fantasy13

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