A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 90,556,131 Issue: 162 | 15th day of Collecting, Y6
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My Life With a Teenage Noobie

by rainbowface94

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Petpet Tails
Eek! It's attacking me!

by little_hamsters365


Igloo Troubles
After 3 bombs and 2 pianos...

by sirendragonfire


Plan Your Next Vacation to Kiko Lake: A Helpful Guide
If you’re wishing for a vacation that just screams of relaxation, fun and memories, then you need to keep reading, for I am about to tell you all about Kiko Lake and how you can have a great time!

by office_chick


Lily the Invisible Acara: Part Two
Lily made a decision. She'd help best by finding out Elbert's secrets and giving them to Carlin, who seemed to be Hagan's advisor. She'd FIND a way to get the message to him.

by thegalaxy_goddess

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