Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 186,904,169 Issue: 196 | 24th day of Relaxing, Y7
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As Much as a Bori Can Take

by kudou

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The Plushie Collector's Guide
But everyone is wondering the same question – How do I get every one of those plushies?

by anaillig


The Stock Market - Mayhem or Millions?
And how are Neopians supposed to understand the business without being a stockbroker themselves?

by daehder


Harmless Wishes: Part Three
"I told you I could make your wishes come true," the Gelert said smugly...

by ladyariel32


The Drenched: Good or Bad?
But who are these strange sisters? They have never been mentioned before, and I have decided to find a little bit of information about them.

by the_nerdy_twins

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