Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 192,270,801 Issue: 639 | 4th day of Eating, Y16
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A Wee Bit Too Strong

Give it a good go...

by invalid

At the Rainbow Fountain...

by flying_tree
Reality of REs: An Unintentional Prank

Jhudora's a natural trickster, isn't she?

Also by oracle419

by ribbonpig

The Goofers - Night Guest

Those must be some really bad scones...

by lintsuf
Overfeeding At The Kadoatery

Will those Kadoaties ever learn?

by piefly2
The Power of Teamwork

Jessica underestimated the plumpies' ability to work together when they were properly motivated.

Also by sarah2396

by bha288


Are you ready for breakfast?

by astronomi
Aisha Hair

And thus we see why Cheat is so easy...

by fuzzykit12
A Petpetpet's Dream Come True

"I knew I should've filled my Inventory with dung instead!"

by supremity
Brilliant Scientist or Shrewd Businessman?

So that's what Dr. Landlebrot has been doing with our junk...

by fanlia
Shopping Troubles

Stay in school, kids!

by 43456
Neopia Cosplay Contest

Maybe a new Chia color?

by madelania
It's For a Good Cause

Pretty sure snowballs have no use here.

by irasshai
Pteri Wings: A Mad Scientist?

Would you like to help me?

by _torchic__
The Dark Star: Part I

Introducing Sin, the mechanic and Vamon, the captain.

by the_shii
Dinner with the Scarlets: Chaos

Both sides have a pretty good point.

by june_scarlet
Fosters for Everyone!!!

24 hours of absolute joy!

by maeruu
Search the Neopian Times


"Too Brave By Far" by breakingchains
He looked expectantly behind him at Tracker—and the niptor obediently scurried inside, clutching the old lantern in its mouth. Kanlock leaned down and lit it, sending a warm red glow across the walls, and now he could see a little further—the cavern gaped ahead of them, leading down beyond the light's reach, lined with moss and bright little faerie mushrooms...

Other Stories


The Prank
When he opened the door, he found a Blue Nimmo, carrying a small suitcase stuffed with personal belongings.

by lupe_hunter_7


Shades and Hues
Ruestilla sighed as she looked out of the window of her room in the Pound.

by winter_pony4


Why Play HTML?
There are many advantages to playing HTML games! Here's just a few...

by logic_fail


Dealing With Neopian Deflation
The Neopian economy has always been an inflating one.

by rider_galbatorix


Ballad of the Faerie's Champion: Stagnation - Part Two
It was decidedly unsettling for Gary to look in the mirror and find a stranger's face staring back. After seventeen years of looking in the mirror and seeing a yellow furred face, he knew it would be a long time before he stopped being startled by the blue one...

by shinkoryu14


Hanso, Jazan, and Kanrik and the We Hate Hanso Club: Part Three
"Where do you think you're going?" Jazan asked.

"Where do you think? Grave Danger. If that's where Brynn is, that's where I'm going," Hanso said.

by kristykimmy

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