For an easier life Circulation: 195,005,051 Issue: 812 | 12th day of Sleeping, Y20
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Simple Neopets Joke #5

Jokes from Sloth!

by souxis
Cut out for the job

A spooky quiggle that wasn't spooky enough.

by keruza

Happy Sloth Appreciation Day!

by hamster_z

I'm changing for the better!

Also by 01_batatinha_01

by lukinhas2007

Roo Island Merry Go Round!

I wanted the pink one...

by montro2000pokemon
The Gift of the Air Faerie

Resourcefulness is always important when aiming for gold.

by lepetitpoulet
Holiday at the Neolodge

And by Neolodge, we mean the Cockroach Towers.

by andromedric
The Meridellians: Potato Counter

That's all it takes?

by islandforever
Maybe UC Pets ARE The Best? (Part 2)


Also by kira_des

by rivera_ice_princess

Little Neo: Feelin' Ixi

Nycolae the ixi wakes up to something... unusual.

by bl1nd3d
Adventures of Adventurers

A different kind of quest.

by schreckensberg
A Ghost Pun

Why do Ghost Neopets hate rain?

by kennielee
Water You Talking About?

Who knew being friends with a Fire Neopet could save you 1,996,000 neopoints?

by storymakerechidna
A Fancy Party Requires a Fancy Outfit!

... Just don't let the local narcissist help you out.

by neoflare951
Piggyback Ride

It's time!

Also by dauntlessleader

by simbologies

Wrong Stamp

I hope you like this comic entry Scrappy. I can't stop laughing at it, so I hope it makes it in!

by squatle
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A Short Guide to Neoquest

Neoquest, especially on normal, is actually quite an easy game. However, it does take preservation. Most people will slowly chip away at the game over a few years. Though the fastest wins are less than seven hours, so it’s possible to get through a game much quicker. To give you some idea, at the end of my game on insane, I had earned 265,557 experience points. For Neoquest, you will not get a prize like Neoquest II. You will get a few Neopoints, but this isn’t a game to play to become rich. The main attraction here is no less than a shiny new trophy on your lookup and an avatar.

Other Stories


The Magma Mission
Max had always felt a little different from the rest of his siblings. Not very useful, even...

by cruthmac


How to Cure Nightmares
I recently adopted both Zabuzaf and Iridesce when the fifth pet spot opened, and then this happened...

by kunabee_tiger


Celebrating the New Year, Neo-Style
New Years Eve is a time for celebrating as well as a final chance to get things done for the year, along with preparing for another exciting year ahead. So what sort of things can you do to celebrate the New Year, Neo-style?

by kimchica


Travelling Neopia In Under 18NP A Day
The ultimate poor Neopets guide to having fun in Neopia.

by hermelijntje


Dawn and Dusk vs the Bounty Hunter:Part Four
The final bell had rung releasing us from class for the weekend. Wila and I gathered our things, and headed out into the hallway with Mordred.

by cyber1ofkakoradesert


Hitomi the Witch:Part Nine

by downrightdude

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