White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 192,270,801 Issue: 639 | 4th day of Eating, Y16
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Continued Series

Sebastian's Spirits: Part Seven

"What's going on?" Ava shrieked as her dark pink self became pale. "Did the box break or something?"

by crazy_4_sushi
Fireballs Among Friends: Part Nine

Miskal said, worried, "We need to get shelter before nightfall. The borderlands are a bad, bad place after nightfall."

by saphira_27
Hanso, Jazan, and Kanrik and the We Hate Hanso Club: Part Three

"Where do you think you're going?" Jazan asked.

"Where do you think? Grave Danger. If that's where Brynn is, that's where I'm going," Hanso said.

by kristykimmy

Ballad of the Faerie's Champion: Stagnation - Part Two

It was decidedly unsettling for Gary to look in the mirror and find a stranger's face staring back. After seventeen years of looking in the mirror and seeing a yellow furred face, he knew it would be a long time before he stopped being startled by the blue one...

by shinkoryu14
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"That Great Hunger" by cosmicfire918
"I want this food," the Werelupe King insisted. They'd been following for hours the aroma of something salty and savoury and mouthwatering. It had piqued his interest as soon as he smelled it. From there, the hunt was on. It was true that he tasked his thanes with collecting tribute, but he was a Werelupe, after all, and the thrill of the chase...

Other Stories


Don't Shop, Adopt!
"Is omelette again okay, Luke? We still have some from yesterday!" Kara called from the kitchen.

by vanillaskys20


Shades and Hues
Ruestilla sighed as she looked out of the window of her room in the Pound.

by winter_pony4


10 Overlooked Dailies that You Need to Add
There are plenty of lesser-known places in Neopia that can be very profitable if you know where to look!

Also by laulaukins

by venused


Dealing With Neopian Deflation
The Neopian economy has always been an inflating one.

by rider_galbatorix


The Dark Star: Part I
Introducing Sin, the mechanic and Vamon, the captain.

by the_shii


Overfeeding At The Kadoatery
Will those Kadoaties ever learn?

by piefly2

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