There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 193,522,177 Issue: 694 | 14th day of Hiding, Y17
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Continued Series

Faerie Wings III: The Nightmare of Dreamland: Part Ten

“Every five hundred years,” Fyora explained in a storyteller’s voice, “a magical parchment lists the name of the next faerie whose destiny is to inherit the throne of Faerieland. The last faerie princess crowned had been I, and now it is time for a new princess to be recognized as my future successor at a Coronation to be held in precisely three days.”

by downrightdude
Janet and Jane: The Case of the Targeted Heiress: Part Four

I tossed and turned in the covers of the bed I was in. Thoughts were bouncing around my mind like a bouncy ball. For all I knew, the one who targeted Mae could still be in the Neohome. No matter how hard I tried to get that terrible thought out of my head, it stayed.

by chasing_stars44
Mother's Balloon: Part Ten

The blue Yurble turned with a jerk, catching the brown Kougra red-handed. "Paws off!" she barked, snatching the tube out of his hand. "Look what you've done now. I barely had enough as it was!" "Nonsense, you've got plenty there." He shook the yellow tube upside-down, and shrugged his shoulders when he felt nothing inside. "Listen Midge, I'm worried about Reyela tonight." he said, announcing the purpose of his interruption.

by dewdropzz
The Adventures of Trina: The Awakening: Part Five

Without warning, Trina broke into laughter. It definitely wasn’t a smart thing to laugh in front of the most powerful pirate on the island, but she couldn’t help it. “Do you…do you really expect me to believe that?”

“No,” he answered. “I expect you to give up on defeating me.”

by ummagine3284

The Sorceress and the Prisoner: Part Six

The first wave of battle ended with tears and shame. The overall winners of the battle were the Darigan Citadel troops, and how they rejoiced. There was going to be another one, another battle, they could all feel it. No one had truly won yet, but it was clear who had the upper hand at the moment. Meridell had to think fast before their country was taken away from them.

by dudeiloled
Destiny: Part Three

The wailing alarm made Elmist’s heart beat faster, if that was even possible. He thought his ribcage would break any time. Zaldron was so weak that she needed Drake to support her as they rushed down the stairs of the Brightvale castle. “Easy,” he soothed from the bottom of his heart. “I know you can do it.”

by sampleneopian
The Legacy of the Black Pawkeet: Part Two

It wasn’t long after we had rescued the Acara girl from Bloodhook’s ship that the Black Pawkeet pulled into the village’s tiny port. It was no wonder Bloodhook had attacked from a distance; there was hardly room for even a small ship like ours alongside what must’ve been the village’s trade ship.

Also by medit92

by teamchao466

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"Friday: An Incomplete Petpet" by vanquishee
With his bickering petpet in tow, The Neo-citizen quickened his pace as he strode passed the Secret Laboratory to access the Petpet Laboratory. The narrow, almost claustrophobic hallway that led to the Petpet Laboratory was always dimly lit, with tangles of wires poking from the ceiling. He was a Neo-citizen on a mission as he ignored random bypassers reacting over their latest zap - he heard someone gush over their new Pink Kadoatie whereas another one was grumbling about their petpet newly named OMGROFL.

Other Stories


Fighting the Fuzzles
"Attention! Fuzzles are currently attacking the recreation deck. Please move down to the hanger and take cover until further notice." Making sure the coast was clear, she quickly ran out of the Space Battledome arena and towards the stairs. There was a loud gurgling noise behind her. She spun around and saw a bright pink Fuzzle coming at her.

by brittanyandsteven


Chance Encounter
The week before sign-ups of the Altador Cup, my little sister started bugging me once again. She wanted to go to Altador during the cup to meet the players. She really wanted to talk to everyone that she could. That included her favorite, Tandrak Shaye. I heard that name enough to remember it.

by minaturepincher


Fruits of Brightvale
his article will serve to highlight a few of Brightvale’s best berries, for the berry enthusiast, or for those who are interested in all things Brightvale.

by cheriipie


10 Best Summer Drinks from the Coffee Cave
For all coffee and tea lovers!

by yashasvika


A Visit To The Shrine
Neopia doesn't always make sense

by _clement_


Edible Escapades: Part One
At least he doesn't want to eat at Kelp.

Also by priscent.

by msjanny

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