Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 196,752,993 Issue: 935 | 7th day of Hunting, Y23
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Continued Series

A Hero's Journey: Rivalry

Tensions are high as Jeran and Rohane have a rematch...

by precious_katuch14
The Royal Axis: Pushing Back The Dark

The rulers of Neopian prepare for the upcoming battle as the Darkest Faerie continues to amass powerful allies...

by iamnotaaron
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"Rise from the Fall" by pixie_tea
What do you do when you have fallen out of place or lose your way? Being new at something or being in a position where life's circumstances are out of one's control can be overwhelming and scary, but that does not foreshadow the future as ominous. Here is a story of an orphan Neopet who had to work hard to not only prove herself to her peers, while battling internally to figure herself out, but to also learn how important self-compassion is. This story’s purpose is to bring strength and to inspire everyone to be their true self without fear of judgement. I will go get the time capsule and the story will begin as soon as I open the time capsule. Now that the time capsule is in this room and opened, the story will now begin and you will see the story yourself. What you will see is a recollection of mine that I have placed inside this time capsule.

Other Stories


You Are What You Eat
You know what they say...

by smart100000


Rise from the Fall
Dedicated to my selfless friend, the Pink Lily in the story, who always goes out of their way to help their friends!

by pixie_tea


Get Avatar-Ready for Summer
Time to brush the dust off some beautiful, old avatars that have been collecting dust in the shadows for the past 9 months and re-visiting some of our old favourites to show your Neofriends that this is your year, and you are ready to own this summer...

by horp


An Updated Guide To Creative Spotlights, Y22 Edition
There have been many guides written about the Neopian Creative Spotlights, but none have been written in Y22!

by superkathiee


Maam & Mussshhhy
I want to be a hero!

by plutos


NQII Many Puns
And heal keep making puns, too. Collab with javascripter

by parody_ham

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