Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 135,120,765 Issue: 267 | 22nd day of Storing, Y8
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New Series

A Question of Worth: Part One

Springing forward, he swiped a vase off its table and watched it smash on the floor. The resulting crash, and shards of pottery, were satisfactory, but not quite enough. Christopher's paws shot out, and he heaved the table up...

by extreme_fj0rd
The Far Side: Part One

But then the Big Hope had come, on the wings of a traveling Uni, preaching the untapped riches and the unspoiled beauty of the Far Side. Beautiful things had been painted in those words, but those words were empty. She stared around her, and wondered how she had ever fallen for such sweet words...

by redcod323
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"The Wise Man and the Fool" by 4zure
"The pod this, the pod that," Elheena sneered. "You know what? I'm sick of this pod! I'm out of here!" With that, he was gone in a few strokes of his powerful tail. Analu and Alika started after him, but Kahoku stopped them...

Other Stories


Gilly and the Mystery of Proof
"Yeah right!" said a blue Usul named Amy. "As if you would get into an adventure like that!"

by capricornhunter


The Freeloader
I moaned and felt around for a pillow before stuffing it over my ears. There went my brother, Jakalo1, again. It was like this every morning on the weekends. Typically, he leads a very sad life. Or at least I think so. But how could it not be sad when his idea of fun is cleaning?!

by lavamitten


At Pizzaroo you can buy uniquely flavored pizzas! All pizzas come straight from the oven and you rarely every have to wait for yours to be made!

by doggieloover23


Matchmaker - Finding the Perfect Petpet
We all wonder how cute a petpet is, what avatar it will get us, and how admired we'll be when we have it. But let's face it, what is the real reason of buying a petpet? Think a moment. Oh yes, to give to our Neopets!

by forgottencreation


Joe n' Co. 1
Gummy bears?

by jombra


Demon 3
What should we eat?

by ookami_mangetsu

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