Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 192,270,801 Issue: 639 | 4th day of Eating, Y16
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Agent of the Sway: Discovery - Part One

Hanso stepped off the boat, wrapping his coat around him to protect against the wind that flung the desert sand at his face.

by herdygerdy
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"That Great Hunger" by cosmicfire918
"I want this food," the Werelupe King insisted. They'd been following for hours the aroma of something salty and savoury and mouthwatering. It had piqued his interest as soon as he smelled it. From there, the hunt was on. It was true that he tasked his thanes with collecting tribute, but he was a Werelupe, after all, and the thrill of the chase...

Other Stories


That Great Hunger
Isengrim pawed through the undergrowth, the scent lingering in his nostrils.

by cosmicfire918


Too Brave By Far
He had all the time in the world to scout this place out.

At least, until the light of the lantern died...

by breakingchains


The Mini Guide to Faerie Quests
Calm down, don't panic, and keep reading.

by xxlifexdeniedxx


Possession Makes The Heart Grow Fonder?
At the time of the writing of this article, the Neoboards are buzzing with the latest prank by TNT -- random "foster pets" showing up on our accounts, courtesy of the tricksters at TNT...

by indulgences


Are you ready for breakfast?

by astronomi


Reality of REs: An Unintentional Prank
Jhudora's a natural trickster, isn't she?

Also by oracle419

by ribbonpig

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