A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 195,005,051 Issue: 812 | 12th day of Sleeping, Y20
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Short Stories

How to Cure Nightmares

I recently adopted both Zabuzaf and Iridesce when the fifth pet spot opened, and then this happened...

by kunabee_tiger
Roberta of Brightvale Saves her Scrollery

Brightvale, her hometown and where she held some kind of social title, did not treat her like a hero of Neopia.

by restisunwritten
The Magma Mission

Max had always felt a little different from the rest of his siblings. Not very useful, even...

by cruthmac
Makieri's Undead Birthday

He carried a hockey stick in one hand and a spork in the other.

by katniss_66
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Seasonal Neopian Coffee Guide

If you are anything like me, you need that first cup of coffee before you start your day. You do not want to be tired all day while your pets want to update their wardrobe or battle Punchbag Bob for the hundredth time. Whether you need one cup, or two...or, uh...forty-five…this is a guide to show you exactly which drinks you should be sipping during each season. You do not want to be caught drinking a latte that was trendy two season ago, do you? No way! It is time to delve into the drinks you absolutely NEED to get your hands on. Winter, Summer, Spring, and Fall, coffee is there for one and all!

Other Stories


Recipe of the Week: 8th Birthday Rainbow Cupcake
Learn how to make delicious Neopian delights right at home!

by hauntinq


Neopia's '20 under 20' list for Y20!
Year 19 was a huge year for sport, fashion, business, food... you name it, Y19 provided it! But what might Year 20 have in store?

by ohsounicornly


Elaine's Expedition:Part Two
Relief at the proximity of Mystery Island washed over her.

Also by afsheen_27

by milkshakes004


Identity Crisis
Smaug struggled to keep up with Lichen. How did she know these corridors so well? Ixi had told him in the past that Lichen had spent practically her whole childhood travelling Neopia, never stopping in one place long enough to settle in properly...

by debbie1188


Roo Island Merry Go Round!
I wanted the pink one...

by montro2000pokemon


Maybe UC Pets ARE The Best? (Part 2)

Also by kira_des

by rivera_ice_princess

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