Week - 118
Popular at Last by arula100 |
Description: "Excuse me, but what do you think you're doing?"
Sage snapped, fluttering her beautiful wings threateningly. |
Week - 122
Eve by arula100 |
Description: "Do you think there's more
to Christmas? More to it that getting gifts?" |
Week - 125
Into the Shadows by arula100 |
Description: You can't not be friends with someone just because they changed their color,
right? |
Week - 126
Blocking Out Writer's Block by arula100 |
Description: Everyone has had the common disease flowitus stoppitus, also
known as writer's block, at some point... |
Week - 131
Improving Your Story by arula100 |
Description: Who doesn't want to write a good story? If you said you didn't, then the comics
are to the right of the articles. |
Week - 133
Into the Shadows II: Lonny’s Story by arula100 |
Description: Purple was a cool
color, and he hadn't seen another pet with it yet. "I think I'll do it," he
agreed. |
Week - 135
Anagram: Part One by arula100 |
Description: "Hey, Eliv, have you ever thought
about your name much?" |
Week - 136
Anagram: Part Two by arula100 |
Description: Eliv sat down on a rock. "I don't think
my name is Evil Death." |
Week - 137
Setting Your Setting by arula100 |
Description: So you’ve gotten deep into your story. The hero is about to rush
in and rescue the maiden and become the greatest warrior of all time -- but where
are you? |
Week - 142
The Snowagers Cry by arula100 |
Description: Naomi thought hard. "I remember white. Lots of
white. Then a lot of black." |
Week - 149
Because of a Purple Juppie Java: Part One by arula100 |
Description: "It's not the rain, it's those blasted
Myncis, the malfunctioning air conditioner, and the Purple Juppie Java I ordered
an hour ago that still hasn't been delivered." |
Week - 150
Because of a Purple Juppie Java: Part Two by arula100 |
Description: "You know Ye Olde Ship Inn
has a restaurant, right? I bet they have one in every hotel. Maybe we can grab
a menu. It might help." |
Week - 151
The Origin of the Grey Pets by arula100 |
Description: Chet found the fire section and readied himself. He watched as other pets gathered
eagerly around the magical waters... |
Week - 151
Choosing the Right Neolodge for Your Pet and Your Wallet by arula100 |
Description: What
do you do? What to choose? Well, perhaps this guide will help. |