150 Things You Can't Find Anywhere But The Neopian Times
by tracypaper12
SM: Well, as you all know, it's Issue 150! Aside from the normal comics, Weewoos,
editorial, Weewoos, and stories, there are surely tons of articles with names
that include the number 150: 150 Things That Rhyme With 1-Fif-T, 150 Article Titles
You Should Never Use, and, well... 150 Things That You Can't Find Anywhere But
The NT!
TP: Whoo! So without further ado, I present to you... 150 Things you'll probably
find somewhere... what is the title again?
1) Sloth in his underwear.
2) Baby Tonu's trying to take over Neopia.
3) Babaas with negative IQ's.
4) Evil Pirate Lupes.
5) A homicidal Halloween Ixi.
6) An incredibly brave and dumb blue Chia.
7) A piece of falling snow with a reputation.
8) A Quiggle with 'tude.
9) A Striped Shoyru who knows nothing of the world.
10) Breaking news reports of things that never happened.
11) Chet Flash. 12) Lucky green boots with fangirls.
13) A frisky Gelert.
14) No puns intended.
15) Eyries with names nobody can pronounce.
16) Mutant Cybunnies. Lots of Mutant Cybunnies.
17) Rura... rurai... ru... another Mutant Cybunny.
18) World Domination!
19) ... Or not.
20) Babaas who are very, erm... darth.
21) Item descriptions you're bound to never see. Ever.
22) Musicals!!
23) Lennies trying to raise money in cookie suits.
24) Lennies with flamethrowers.
25) Okay, let's face it... lots of weird Lennies.
26) A complex list of things to never do with a Lupe.
27) Many a random event.
28) Many not so useful ways to get past the Snowager.
29) Strange bird ladies. Weeewoooo.
30) A cute little Baby Lupe who is incredibly silly... awww, but so cute.
31) Odd hair styles.
32) Ears! Only ears!
33) Vain Uni stories. Thousands of them.
34) The Editorial (Like anyone reads that...)
35) Suck ups. Like the authors of this to Miss Pop Tart.
36) Wow... only 36? We've got a lot to go...
37) Twisters of time. Also called... oh, you know...
38) Interviews with just about everyone ever to set foot in Neopia.
39) Nobody really likes Kass, do they?
40) Tuskaninnies, Chombies, and Moehogs... no wait...
41) A Faerie Moehog. There can only be one.
42) Conspiracies. Or maybe not. Well, I really think...
43) Guides on how to play games, write, and occasionally cook fruitcake.
44) Lots of Beauty Contest stories. Oh yeah...
45) There go those vain Unis again!
46) Possessed plushies.
47) And Usukis.
48) And Petpets...
49) And Tracy.
50) Just kidding.
51) Notice how we're using numerous points to convey one idea.
52) I mean, there's probably not 150 things in here at all!
54) Sloth being humiliated.
55) On a regular basis.
56) Y'know, all this time wasting reminds me of a funny story.
57) Really?
58) No.
59) Typos. Or Tpoys. Whichever works for you.
60) Lab ray jokes by the dozen!
61) Pets drinking tea!
62) An editor who's also a frozen ice crystal formation.
63) Pets drinking tea!
64) Deja vu.
65) An editor who's also a frozen ice crystal formation.
66) Some newspaper.
67) Grarrls as villains. What's new?
68) Rules. Pfft.
69) Assasins.
70) A Krawk with a minor role.
71) Lord Vol- oh, wait.
72) A Gelert that's really stu-- energetic.
73) Authors who flash! ... with the program, I mean
74) A Draik!
75) A Buzz whose name is absolutely impossible to pronounce in English.
78) A guy with hair that has a mind of its own.
79) Collaborations!
80) Unlike this one. C'mon Sims, I'm doing all the work ;-)
81) End-parentheses!
84) ^Invisible Paint Brushes
85) Profound absence of smileys. :-( ;_; T_T
86) Christmas specials!
87) Halloween Specials!
88) Specials just for the heck of it!
89) Did we say Weewoos already?
90) You can never have too many Weewoos.
92) Inner jokes.
93) Oddball Not-Yellow-Anymore Meercas.
94) Mean 'ol Christmas Lupes. Garoshi... Terrashi?
95) Evil Meepits. But let's never speak of them again.
96) Technology! ToasterTVkettleovenmoose...
97) n00bs! Oh, wait, that's the chatboards.
98) Christmas stories in the middle of July.
99) Horribly drawn comics --
101) Gelerts!
102) Spotted Gelerts...
103) An over-friendly Green Kau.
104) An under-friendly Yellow Techo.
105) A neutral Tyrannian Doglefox.
106) Way too many pet rock jokes.
107) And by way to many, I mean just the right amount, Felicia!
108) Eh...hehe...heh
109) Jelly bean tragedies.
110) Cute little things residing in a rock pool...
111) Simple steps to doing uncomprehendably stupid things.
112) Idiots.
113) *points at Sims*
114) *holds up mirror towards Tracy*
115) Revenge. Sweet revenge.
116) AHH, it burns!
117) Conversations right in the middle of articles.
118) Turdles and frying pans.
119) Bad combinations.
120) Mathematics!
121) is lame!
122) Words spelt... Englishly!
123) My favourite colour can be found in the loo.
124) Superheroes!
125) Numbers that add up to 8.
126) Boochi...
127) No really, he's there, someone save me!
130) That sounds better.
131) YHIFHGFYIHBNDJHJgfjhdukguyg!!!
132) Gobble-de-gook.
133) Funny words.
134) Notice how the last 30 items have had nothing to do with the NT.
135) Hehe, NT...
136) Rhymes with Ten-Feet.
138) Rather Perplexed
139) Heh, we're nearing the end...
140) Meercas who are related!
141) ...
142) They're called siblings, Trace.
143) Reading lessons.
144) Bratty Faerie Ixi.
145) Stereotypes.
146) Baby Kougras... so many Baby Kougras...
147) Actually, there's a lot of everything!
148) Tracy!
149) Sims!
TP: So there you have it! Erm, yeah! Wow, I need to work on my endings. Have
a happy Issue 150, and don't forget to-