A Second Slice Of The Bookstore Book Reviews
by blubblub317
NEOPIAN BOOK SHOP - Hello everyone, and welcome to the 2nd edition of the Bookstore
Book Reviews! Come on, let me hear some cheering!
Hey, why is there a clump of hay rolling across the room?
Anyhow, you may have noticed that my fun-loving news partner, CT, is nowhere
in sight, and is missing all of the excitement! Unfortunately, while me and
her were on a perilous quest to discover an ancient book that we were planning
to review, an army of Meepits suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and took her
away! She is presumed a Meepit, and will not be participating in The Bookstore
Book Reviews any longer. =cries= IT'S SO SAD! WHY COULDN'T THEY HAVE TAKEN ME?!
Okay, let's get straight-to-the-point before I bore you all to death. Wait,
I've already done that. =slams head against wall=
Have you ALREADY finished reading all of those stupid books that we reviewed
in the 1st edition of The Bookstore Book Reviews? If so, I commend you. Oh,
and you're a book freak. But if you're still craving MORE books, take a peek
at this week's list, and read my fabulous reviews and advice!
Goodbye Mel: Yes, goodbye, I'll miss you! =pushes= NOW LEAVE!!!
Quiggle Art: Wow, those eaten tongues are what I'd definitely call
Mynci Book Of World Records: Weird, there were only 2 pages with records.
The rest were just blank.
Aisha: Oh my gosh, I like swear, I had like no clue that like Aishas
had like four ears! I swear, I didn't…like…
Speak Moehog: Surprisingly, this book was quite interesting. What didn't
surprise me was that this book was written by a deaf Meerca.
A Day At The Races: You're telling me that RED Poogles are actually
racing, and have been wearing Blue Poogle costumes all along?! OH, SHUT UP!
101 Negg Recipes: In other words: A Cheater's Guide To The Cooking
2 Much 2 Soon: A Story Of Twins: Will those twins EVER stop writing
in chatspeak?! I have a dying suspicion that they were the ones who thought
up of the title…
My First Book: Congrats! Your first book only carries a cover!
Secrets From The Money Tree: Urgh, what a cheap rip-off from my article,
"Money Tree 101"!
Basic Mathematics: An excerpt from the book: "1+1=0." Riiiight….
Tuskaninny Grooming: Wow! I didn't know that your pet's fur could make
an actual home for your petpet!
Ruling The Universe: Somehow, my instincts just can't trust this Slothy
Little Timmy's Story: …so I like decided to play Cheat! one day…
Advert Attack Guide Book: Wow, this book was really simple! There was
only one instruction: slaughter your mouse!
Unhappy Tails: Woah, I did NOT know tails had emotions! Hehe, I guess
I better start taking care of them…=shifty eyes=
A Maraquan Menu: Uh--yeah, could I have a piece of that old-looking
statue over there? Oh, and while you're at it, could you give me some of that
rotten seaweed?
Empower A Tail: Wow, reading this book was truly an experience. Wait,
uh-oh, it actually was! AAAHHHH! =a Kougra's tail tries to smack Blub in the
Kayla's Spellbook: =scoffs= What a Kauvara wannabe!
Edna: …is ugly.
Cenanit Ragamans: Yep, I completely understood everything about this
book! Hehe, yep, yep, yuppers!
Dr_Death's Biography: Huh--Poor Dr_Death seems more of a biography
then this.
Kiko Boo Boos: This has got to be a joke!
A Day In The Life Of King Roo: =yawns= How boring! All it said was:
"Roll the dice, roll the dice, roll the dice…"
JubJub Hair Styling: Awww, that JubJub is so adorable!! =slaps self=
Famous Moehogs: Heh, that's something you don't see everyday…
Happy Feet: Is it just me, or am I the only one who's growing suspicious
of the author who does these stories…
Mynci Dance: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Sorry……
Mynci Banana Book: Mmmm…that sure tasted good. OH, I MEAN, I SURE READ
Dental Care: This was quite educational for… =gulps= me…
Mynci Wiggling Eyes Book: EEEEKKK! THEY'RE ALIVE!
One Bad Bruce: Yeah, throwing a piece of a dung at someone's head,
then immediately apologizing and licking it off is sure BAD!
The Complete History Of Wockies: Hehe, this book doesn't exist! =tries
to stuff the gigantic, humongous, fat, amazingly wide book in a closet=
Super Fashion Playmate Handbook: For some reason, the word playmate
doesn't sound right…
Growing For Beginners: Um--I still don't understand what exactly I'm
trying to grow!
Which Brush?: Well THAT brush of course!
Nimmo Anger Management: Ooh, how deliciously evil!
The Lost Kau: For some reason, Kaus always seem lost.
Catch It If You Can: You want me to catch that tongue? Look honey,
ya got 43 muscles in that baby. CATCH IT YOURSELF!
Where's My Mummy?: I'm sorry sweetie, but there are no mummies in Neopia.
Only owners.
Fashion For Krawks: Oh, those Krawks look so fabulously fetch!
Everything Eyrie: What's the point of having all those Eyrie books,
when you have Everything Eyrie?!
Experimental Physics: All I can say is: MWUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Squeaky Elephante Book: =baby voice= YAY! SQUEAK! SQUEAK!
Tree Homes: Once upon a time, there was a fanatical Usul who was an
absolute freak about trees…
Nuts, A Love Story: NUTS! I missed an appointment when reading this
Crazy About Quiggles: Something I'm not.
Cybunny Soap Opera: This book is totally right! Each day is a soap
opera for Cybunnies!
Hold You Breath: Yeah, what are you trying to do? KILL ME?!
Hunting the Meerca Away: Okay Stonewolf, you can stop writing these
stupid books now!
Mr X: Why doesn't this Mr. X person have a real name? Wait a minute…
Nune: The book was good and all, but who exactly is Nune?
Oopsy Daisy: Pun not intended.
Quiggle Workout: HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Sorry again…
Robin Lupe: What's next? The Asparagus Chias of the Rings? Weewoo Potter?
Ruffled Feathers: =whiny accent= OH MY GAWSH! IT'S LIKE A NIGHTMARE!
=sighs heavily= Okay, I'll admit it, I'm pooped from all these reviews! I
just hope you're not pooped as well, and that you had fun reading this edition,
even though my beloved news partner, CT, is gone.
Urgh--why is ANOTHER clump of hay rolling across the floor?! Seriously, this
bookstore needs a way better janitorial service!
Yah, so blah-blah-blah, we're at the end of this article, and all I can say
is BYE FROM BLUBBEH! Be on the lookout for the next edition of The Bookstore
Book Reviews, coming soon to a newsstand near you (sorry for putting you through
pain, Snowflake and all the readers). Now get out of here, before I have to
take my "My First Book" and whack it against you!
Wait, that won't do much damage…
Author's Note: Thankies for reading my article and I hope you enjoyed
it! Comments are DEFINITELY appreciated! BYE!