Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 81,826,882 Issue: 157 | 10th day of Gathering, Y6
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Fashion Faux-Pas

by puzz1ed

Art by barbcat00

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186201 Wishing Well Drive
Have you seen my Honey Potion?

by iamdrawerladii


Neopian Wackiness
New Job Wackiness

by cherv1


...of Oxymorons

by oo_l3ubbles_oo


The Kitchen Krew
What's for lunch?

by sanjisangel


Cup O Borovan
Not right now right now.

by shinzon26

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Time and Again
The Lupe nodded dumbly and grabbed the key from its stand, fumbling with it as he turned it in its slot and heard the firm click that announced the cell's new occupant was now locked inside. He stared through the bars.

by barbcat00


Wishful Thinking
It's a Twister

by barbcat00

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