Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 94,333,932 Issue: 184 | 1st day of Eating, Y7
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"One can still have faith, even at times where the haze and deep devastation are at its peak. If one manages to hold on to a just a tiny bit of hope, it will keep the entire world from plunging into darkness."

Urge To Splurge

Now many guides that have stricken the boards and Neopian Times have been on how to MAKE Neopoints, but why bother? With so many ways to get rich quickly, Neopoints are a thing of the past. All they seem to do now a day is sit around in our bank accounts. Anyone and their Skeith could get them; so much more fun can be made by spending or sometimes even wasting Neopoints...

Take a Deep Breath

Did the Pant Devil steal your favorite PB? Did the Tax Beast unjustly tax you? Did the Bug Brothers steal all of your NP? Were your pets threatened by the Grundo Commander? Or did you just simply "misplace" your Neopoints? Don't take it out on your computer! Take it out on a couple of games, and earn some Neopoints while doing it!...

Questing Your Way To Fortune

Quests are one of the oldest parts of Neopets. From the old quests of long ago, when you had to help rebuild time machines and fix Virtupets machinery, to the recent Illusen’s and Jhudora’s quests, quests have been a valuable source of items, Neopoints, and stats...

Other Stories
"Cheri's Worst Birthday" by sarahbir
As the sun rose in the east, Cheri, a starry Lupe, blinked her eyes sleepily. After a moment, she remembered what day it was. It's my birthday, she groaned to herself...

"Rafted At Sea" by o_apollo_o
Blake shook me awake, and I looked out into the distance. The vine had broken! I watched as the island, my home, as it loomed away far into the distance...

"Dust" by oldnavyfan10
His life was like this dust. People used to need dust, when it was dirt. They would need it in their gardens, to grow flowers and plants. Now, it is simply there...

Knock 'Em Down!

This week's issue is brought to you by: Cork Gun Gallery
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50 Items That Never Made It
I got to wondering, just how many odd items are there that didn't make it. So I went to Kayla, who knows everything, and asked.

by silver85349


Meridellian Mayhem - Goodbye...
We regret to inform you...

by ikkin_with_attitude


The Shadow Usul’s Gift
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by who_caresxx


Saying Goodbye to the Kougra
Why the third most popular Neopet in Neopia?

by slamina83


The "Mischievous" Mists of Avalon
He had it all planned; he was going to play a trick on each of his siblings this day...

by keiri_sato

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