Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 144,089,195 Issue: 303 | 3rd day of Hiding, Y9
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

...and then Fyora points at the wispy clouds and whispers, "Zalamadoo!", before they go solid. The End.

MSPP Protection

So, your owner just spent 10 million neopoints on the MSPP plushie, assuring you that all those silly tales of pets who mysteriously disappear the night after they bought it are just urban legends, and that you'll have LOADS of fun with your new "buddy". LIES!!! All of it lies! The MSPP plushie is a very dangerous and evil...

Neohomes Made Easy

Okay, so you want to decorate your neohome. The problem is, you took one look at the furniture in the stores and realized your wallet is going to the hospital. Soon. Well, I'm going to show you ten quick, clever, and most of all, cheap ways to decorate your neohome and neogardens. I also have creative ideas for rooms for...

Music Festival in Tyrannia

The Tyrannian Music Festival is always a feast for the ears, but this year's splendour was truly incredible. A stupefying 60,000 pets and owners attended the gig-fest, which of course was held at the Plateau Concert Hall. For those of you who weren't lucky enough to be part of the experience, I'm now going to take you through the day's events...

Other Stories
"Scarblade's Game" by fuzzy_socks4
The seller, a rather tiny Quiggle, rubbed his hands together nervously. The full price was twenty thousand dubloons. Captain Bilge had already hinted that he would only spend ten thousand. And it was well known that whatever Bilge couldn't buy, he stole...

"Ceasarini Angelini" by concertogreat_8
Ceasarini Angelini slept in his new house. Tomorrow, he told himself, I will plant my potatoes. The next day, he did just that. First, he pulled up all the weeds. "Goodbye, weeds," he told them. "It was lovely talking to you, but I am afraid my potatoes need..."

"Origami Buoyancy" by jen4ever4ree
A young Draik sits at the very middle of the den of her neohome, making an origami neopet with nimble fingers. One sheet of square paper, bright red, sat before her. Now, seventeen careful precise folds later, she has created a miniature Gelert...

Jest Your Best

This week's issue is brought to you by: Grumpy Old King
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Ice Cream: Part Three
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Avarice - or Woes of a baby Pteri

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