Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 176,434,869 Issue: 339 | 18th day of Eating, Y10
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"I will tell you what I remember, and I will tell it in the manner I remembered it. Memories are odd things; they can fade, be substituted, twisted, or even forgotten. Some may not believe me... but this is what I can recall..."

Successful Guild War

First you will need to make yourself aware of the rules for the war which you are planning to join. You may have made the common assumption that all war rules are the same. This is not true! Rules make the biggest difference in the two player realm. Make sure you, without a doubt, know and understand all your guild's war rules. Having a clear and precise set of rules could make the difference in a day of fun and a day of headache. Also, beware that every war's rules could be different, even if you remain in the same guild. If you should have any questions, no matter how lame you might think they sound, ask your guild leader. They are there to help you and are depending on you to help...

Conspiracy Revealed

You may think, "That must be a spin-off of Parlax, Sloth's spy in The Return of Dr. Sloth Plot." In fact, it's the other way around. He'll be the first to tell you TNT isn't nearly as imaginative as people think; they mostly base characters off of real pets. As interesting as that all is, he's not the subject of our story. More like a source. In fact, everything you're about to read is based on the facts he gave (Some dramatizations may occur) about one of the few conspiracy theories TNT hasn't started themselves. That's right. I'm about to reveal to you the real reason why the Return of Dr. Sloth Plot wasn't released until five years after its original air date. It all started thanks to a TCG set and an elite Usuki convention...


It seems that Sloth has not given up on his ambition for world domination. He has sent a fleet of spaceships to Kreludor and, once he has conquered the moon, he will turn his sights to Neopia. Thankfully the moon Grundos are not about to let that happen. Armed with slingshots, they are attacking Sloth's spaceships in order to protect not just their moon but the whole of Neopia. In this game you have the opportunity to help them and again defeat the evil scientist, Dr Sloth...

Other Stories
"Chronicles of the FMI: Agent Flep" by rotty_paws
Celia had purchased a Meepit a mere five days ago, and on the end of the fifth day, she had vanished and a new pink Meepit with no apparent records had been shipped off to the Haunted Woods from the NC Middle School. My superiors quickly became suspicious, and I was called in to follow that Meepit. There's a rumor going around that the Meepits have a new concoction that can turn Neopets into...

"The Summer Tournament" by prismfire
Morris was a small green Quiggle. He sported the flag of Meridell on his squire 'uniform', but expressed his excellent personal fashion style by wearing a fake Lupe fur hood with ears. Beside him, Boris the Blumaroo wore a long black cape over his uniform and liked to weird people out by also wearing fake vampire fangs. (At least, Morris was fairly sure they were fakes.) Though back in Neopia Central all four of their gang of friends...

"Water Faerie Wishes" by cool_girl2002224
As the sun rose higher in the sky, Aqunda found herself on the outskirts of Faerieland, lounging on a small cloud. Watching neopets frolic above her, she frowned. I wish I had a friend to play with, she thought, gazing longingly at the laughing groups. Rolling over and resting her chin on her hands, she sighed once more; she already knew most of the inhabitants of Faerieland, and she didn't think even one of them was worth playing with. I wish I could meet someone new...

The Game That Rocks

This week's issue is brought to you by: Spacerocked!
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