There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 175,667,400 Issue: 357 | 29th day of Hiding, Y10
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Tax Beast: The whole universe revolves around the shiny gold neopoint.

Caedir: Actually, the Alien Aishas use nerkmids.

Tax Beast: Whatever. It’s still shiny.

Reasons To Be Mutant

The 25th day of Hiding was Mutant Day and in honor of all the Neopets that have endured their owners' wishes for them to take on these radical changes, we remind them of their special 'perks' for being... erm, special. You really wonder what was going through the owner's mind that caused them to look at their adorable, playful sweet Neopet and say, "No, I think horribly disfiguring is the way to go with you..."

Mutants: Judged?

What do we see in mutants? A hideous, twisted, cruel mastermind working for the nefarious Dr. Sloth? Or do we see a kind-hearted intelligent fellow who just wants a home? Many of us would think the first question asked. We don't see kind souls in the eyes of mutants. Most of the time we see an evil scheming devious pet just waiting for you to invite it into your home. DON'T think this. Mutants are often cast aside as one of the worst kind of pets...

Be a Fairly Decent Evil Villain

This article will allow you to fully understand your evil potential and use it against your opponent wisely. We will cover the absolute basics, such as finding a good costume and finding the perfect evil laugh for you, but also the more complicated parts of a villain, like finding your henchmen, building your headquarters, plotting your master plan, and how to monologue. This list is only a glimpse of what this article can do to help your evilness...

Other Stories
"Usukicon Edna" by slinkee
It wasn’t long before I was in front of Edna's castle wearing my very best disguise. I let myself in and volunteer for a quest when to my surprise, what does she ask for but an Usukicon Y9 Gift bag! And nothing else!

"Mutant Can Be Beautiful" by legolas_184
There wasn't one bad thing Charlie had ever done, yet she still didn't have a friend because of her looks. Charlie felt like sometimes she was painted grey. Sometimes she would hide...

"Dr. Sloth Apologizes" by ronnied1994
I have to apologize for all the nasty things that I've done. What I have done in the past was very mean and I understand how cruelly I have treated all of you. You little fuzz buckets are actually not too bad...

PPL Promotes Petpet Park!

This week's issue is brought to you by: Petpet Park
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Following the Wind: Part Eight
Atrik laughed, her harsh voice resounding off the walls in the quiet hall. "So you've come here to take your revenge? Ha! How petty!"

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Ten Crimes Commited In The Altador Plot
Stealing is bad.

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Wings 'n' All
How to NOT play the Stock Market...

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The Flavors of Humbleness
Soup Faerie pulled out her cooking vessels just as, outside, Taelia, Jhuidah and Illusen withdrew their first weapons...

by sunny_funshine


The King of Werelupes: Part Eight
Somehow, Apsy failed to be surprised. The fact that Shadowheart wanted to take over Neopia wasn't really jaw-dropping material...

by rachelindea

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