Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 170,616,256 Issue: 393 | 22nd day of Hunting, Y11
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

It's a very sad sight to see a boy in a Faerie costume down on his knees begging a bunch of Grundos to do him a favor.

Top Chop Belts!

You have played many flash games before and have never received anything other than Neopoints, and now you're getting items too? This is wonderful! After you calm your mind and recover from the shock, the skies open and an enlightening realization dawns on you: The best part about Top Chop is not only winning Neopoints, but more importantly also winning fashionable karate gear! And to top it all off...

Neggery Neggs

The Negg will get you negg points, but only one at a time. And since you just started yesterday, your negg points are reading a whopping... two. For anyone with troubles with negg points who doesn't want to go around seperating the battle neggs from the edible neggs from the special Easter neggs from the - you get my point, here are some useful neggs that, if affordable, will give your negg point balance a boost...

What Sea Shell Are You?

Have you ever been walking along the shores of Mystery Island or diving beneath the depths of Maraqua and spotted a colorful sea shell? Next time you see one, you can proudly tell your friend Kiko or JubJub, "That's me!" They may wonder and give you a quizzical look. But you can easily explain by pointing them over to the Neopian Times and the "What Sea Shell Are You?" Quiz...

Other Stories
"It's Only the First Day" by yuki_azumi
With the thought of wearing a brown sack in his head, Jun stammered, "Y-y-y-you don't have to! In fact, let's go to the Book Shop! Clothes are expensive anyway!" He then dashed off back in the direction they had come, with his owner in pursuit. Moments later they were both in front of the large shop and were about to enter when...

"Daydreams" by seegensays
Nah, Jayson thought, disappointed in himself. That wasn't exciting enough. All the Kougra could think of was that the book must have slipped out of his backpack and through a swirling vortex into another dimension – containing Jelly World – where it was now being guarded by a fierce jelly Skeith. With laser eyes. He smiled. Much better...

"The Werelupe" by micrody
He stared up at the witch's snickering face, then down at the fluid in the vial. He reached out again, wrapped his claws around the cork and pulled as hard as he could. The cork popped out and the potion sloshed around inside. He inverted the vial, but the potion refused to flow past the vial's mouth and pooled there as if the cork still restrained it...

Venture Forth!

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Roomies 4: Part One
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Completely Pointless
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