There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 173,663,018 Issue: 406 | 21st day of Hiding, Y11
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"The way I see it, if I stay here, I won't get anywhere. If I get started, at least I'll end up somewhere and that somewhere might as well be the somewhere I want to go."

Usukicon: A Survival Guide

Though this convention is full of excitement and joy, it can also be dangerous to a first-timer. The swarms of Neopians that will be gathering in the Neopia Central Bazaar can be difficult to navigate through in order to obtain one of the many perks of this event. Although the bustle can be overwhelming, it need not be. I'm here to give you a few helpful tips on how to survive Usukicon and walk away with some nifty new toys and treats!

Fashionable Species Wearables

Fashion is a huge thing. Especially when it comes to customizing your neopets! Now, of course fashion has to do with the changing seasons, but there are some pieces of clothing that will always be fashionable and never get old. I'm not talking about neocash clothing, or even clothing wearable by all species! That's right, I'm talking about single species wearables. If you don't know what these are, they are wearables that can only...

Throw a Fabulous Party

I, Flossiye, the Royal Usul, am going to educate you on how to throw a party, Usul style! My parties are designed to entertain a smaller gathering of guests; I find them more fun than trying to converse with over two hundred Neopians. You don't HAVE to be an Usul to have fun either. My Cybunny sisters have hinted at me to include more carrots, but I know they have as much fun as I!

Other Stories
"A Short Usuki Tale" by 1cecubeh
The thing that set him apart from the other Usukis was that he grew to like where he was over time. The isolation inside of the stunning pink Usuki box became his home. A home where he liked to be. On the shelf. Inside crazy old Kahuli's house. Never removed from the box...

"Sammy the Imaginary Friend" by 5qua5h5qua5h
"Freddy, you're too old for imaginary friends." Cara turned her head this time, her long, blonde hair falling to her shoulders. "Plus, you know that we can't afford something like that." Cara quickly turned back around and scraped all the vegetables into a small pot...

"The Smallest Shop" by chocolate_fudge7
Opening the door of her owner's shop, Alexandria sighed. "Mom, can I go restock today?" She didn't like doing any of the tasks needed to run a shop, but with restocking at least she got to run around. Having to sit in an old folding chair all day, reciting item prices to possible buyers...

Slorgerisers Wanted

This week's issue is brought to you by: Slorgs in Space
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Medical Tree: Cicero
A new challenger approaches!

by leetmango


Usukicon: A Survival Guide
A few helpful tips on how to survive Usukicon and walk away with some nifty new toys and treats!

by enchantmentunknown


Snobbery #1
It's nice to feel popular once in a while...

by lumnatii


Annual Usuki Doll Convention: Oh to be a part of it!
That blissful time of year had come around again, that amazing, exciting time! It was the Annual Usuki Doll Convention...

by nerdytiger


Midnight Stars
To be honest, he was sitting outside because he did not have an owner, a home, or even a place in the world.

by shadowstar480

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