Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 181,176,258 Issue: 453 | 23rd day of Swimming, Y12
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Well, he thought, if you're going to talk to a piece of furniture, it's only fair to tell it your name.

The Employment Agency

So, what is this all about, you might be wondering? You had no idea there were jobs in Neopia, did you? You mean to say, there's really jobs to do in Neopia? What sorts of jobs are they, anyway? Where are they found, and how does one do them? That's where this little guide might come in handy. I'll help you figure out the basics of how the Neopian Employment Agency is set up in this useful little guide. With that said, let's get started!

Save the Wheels? Pah!

Listen up. May I ask, have you donated to the 'Save the Wheels' campaign? You most likely have, and quite a bit too. I assume you thought those donations were going towards renovating Neopia's most popular wheel, the Wheel of Excitement? Well, that 'nice, friendly, caring' red Lenny hardly needs well over three billion neopoints to do that, now, does he? TNT would do it for free! That Lenny is a cheating conman! And I have evidence!

To Read or Not To Read?

With the addition of the new Altador Cup Achievement Awards this year for the fifth annual Altador Cup Tournament, many people may suddenly be wondering what to do with four new books on their hands. Due to the magical nature of Neopian books, you must decide whether it would meet your needs better to sell the Achievement Award books or to read them to a deserving pet...

Other Stories
"Zeke's Gift" by corygirl200
"He's stricken ill with Neo Flu... again." The Doctor heaved a sigh, casting a pitying glance towards Awtchey. "Poor thing. Happens every year. Once again, you'll have to treat him with Neo Flu Jelly Pills. It's either that or get him adopted, though considering how long he's been here, I doubt that'll happen. No, I suggest that you put him into Foster Care... before his condition becomes serious..."

"A Day at the Food Club" by momr1
Edna stepped around the corner to get the Neggsweeper. As she went by, she stopped and put in the Moon Rock Rampage CD and cranked the volume. As Spacerocked! blasted from the stereo, she danced through the slime on the floor and winked at me. "You know," she said, "it's always easier to clean when you can Mop 'n' Bop. Sometimes it helps if you can just Make Some Noise..."

"Voyage of the Golden Pearl" by newenglandquizzer
"Yes, yes, I hear them. It is indeed the black ship of our enemy. I hear their voices. They plan to send the storm at us and catch us unprepared in the rain and fog. They plan to sink the Golden Pearl, take us all prisoner, and kidnap the princess in our care." He turned his sightless eyes to the starry Gelert. "That is all. The faerie wind dies. Do you wish me to break up their storm, Captain Eon?"

Classic Is Classy

This week's issue is brought to you by: The Neopian Petpet Shop
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Great stories!


Royal at Heart
"How else do you think Faerieland stays up?" I asked, scratching his head. "The faeries have a special spell that makes the clouds solid enough for them to live on."

by treihaven


The Enigma of Friendship: Part Three
"Lamc nowd." Despite the instruction to relax, the young red Lenny found himself tensing up more.

by amb403


10 New Trophies To Spice Up Your Lookup
Turn a difficult trophy into an easily attainable one.

Also by pafc_will

by penury


Me'o - neo the Awkward Adventure :page 1:
Little did we know it would turn in to the greatest. . . yet most awkward adventure ever.

by montoran


Wishing Un-Well?
This awesome new avvie is every collector's dream.

by bessie_13

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