Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 182,656,520 Issue: 459 | 3rd day of Gathering, Y12
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"We're throwing scarabs into the thing because we're aware of the consequences of not throwing scarabs into the thing. It's wired to the magical fault lines beneath the city, and stopping the flow of objects going through the transdimensional apertures might cause it to backfire in a... well, lethal manner."

Paint Brush Polls: Royal!

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the grandest red carpet event of the year! For the first and only time, the crème de la crème of Neopia will be walking the runway as we present your top 10 female and top 10 male picks (out of 41 for each gender) for Royal pet. That's right, these pets were voted on by over 200 users just like you. Royal pets--not only are they rare and generally reside in the homes of the wealthy and elite, but many of them can still be found frequenting...

Terror Mountain's Best

It's no wonder what the weather's going to be like every day: snowing! Yes, that's right, seven days a week and three hundred and sixty-five days a year, you can expect a blizzard and very strong winds here in this winter wonderland. The temperature's always in the minus degrees and your lips are sure to turn blue, but fear not, I'm sure that you can get yourself warmed up when you randomly find a Christmas Paint Brush and get yourself into a nice winter coat...

Reasons to Feed your Pets

A lot of people in Neopia don't feed their pets! Maybe even you don't! You could have never realized it, but you are being quite mean. By making or adopting a pet, you agree, in my opinion, to care for that pet. If you don't want to, just don't adopt a pet! It is that simple. But maybe you are not yet convinced. And my article is not yet long enough, so I'll continue. Here are five reasons to feed your pets!

Other Stories
"A Lift Home" by damson_rhee
Yes, he had certainly taken a wrong turn at that last boulder. Or the one before that. Or that dip in the ground beside the gnarled tree... Sighing at poor luck and worse navigational skills, Base kicked a twig with one of his clawed feet. The woods of Meridell weren't unpleasant really...

"How The Buzzler Got Its Light" by scarletscorchio
"Oh, not again," grumbled Gargarox as he peered through the billowing smoke into his oven. "Blasted wires have probably blown again below the deck. Fourth time this week. Those maintenance workers are too busy playing with Fuzzles to properly fix..."

"Can't Melt a Dream" by watersprite112
The snow Lupe looked down to the line separating Terror Mountain and Tyrannia. Weeks ago the line had looked so magical, so mystic. From his home on the icy cliff tops it looked like a fine curving border strip between safe cold snow and the mysterious unknown. However...

Mysterious Tales From The Sands

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Five Reasons to Feed your Pets
Hungry pets look sad. I think you should not let your pets be sad if you can avoid it.

by y_fyora_m


How The Buzzler Got Its Light
"NO!" Gargarox shouted angrily. "Quit sending inferior help and this won't happen!"

by scarletscorchio


Paint Brush Polls: Royal Edition!
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the grandest red carpet event of the year!

by kallykat_03


The Haunt Of Howl Hall, Part 12
Looks like Gadget got a new fear too...

by buizelmaniac


A Beginner's Guide to Cleaning
Here's a guide to help you clean up and keep organized.

by brittboo_x

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