Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 188,827,426 Issue: 540 | 13th day of Eating, Y14
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Grey is the colour of the sea on a stormy day, the sea that houses a myriad of colourful fish and coral. Grey is the colour of unseen beauty, grey is the colour of things not yet discovered and most of all, my dear reader, grey is the colour of inner happiness.

The Way to Be Grey

To honor the Grey Faerie and all of the other pets like her, this is the perfect day to stay at home and mope. With all the tension and the dread in the air, it might be a little tough to cope with all of the sadness. That's where I come in. I'm here strictly to teach all of you young boys, girls, and Blumaroos to learn just how to be Grey. Let's get started. Step One: Everyone has seen a Grey pet once in their life. Their sad eyes, the look of...

Dress to Depress

Grey Day. A day to celebrate sorrow and sadness, but who says that this day is boring! Not all of the best fashionistas in Neopia! Grey is an underappreciated color. As soon as you hear it, you think sadness, and just like that, you miss so many great outfits. It's not true that color is always in fashion. That you can't go with boring, dull, navy colors. Want some proof? Here are some great fashion ideas that will help you dress to depress!

Turn a Bad Day into a Good One

The Pant Devil took some of your hard earned NP, for NO reason. You forgot to buy a few Gift Box Capsules while they were in the NC Mall and now have to wait weeks before they are released again so you can move that darling background from your side account to your main... Any of this sound familiar? D: So you're having a grey day. What now? Well, I'm here to share with you 10 ways in which I guarantee will cheer you up, neo-style!

Other Stories
"The Scarab and the Sea" by saphira_27
It still seemed strange to Tomos that he was in charge of the other four Neopians, instead of being marched along in irons behind them. During the attempted coup two months ago, he'd only acted on instinct when he stopped the traitorous General Akhmaris from throwing a knife...

"April Fools?" by acorna12 and sparkles0788
Twenty minutes later, the teen and her twenty Neopets sat in the living room, some crying, others simply too shocked to do anything but stare off into space. "Steph?" a faerie Kougra exclaimed, addressing her owner by name. "Do five of us really have to go?"

"Darkest" by marthajill
I sighed and carried on polishing the collection of Draik morphing potions on top of the fireplace, thinking of all the more exciting things I could be doing. Like watching paint dry. My owner Jess was coming back from a long hiatus tomorrow, though, and my brother Kam and I wanted to make our neohome look...

Grey Day Returns... *Sigh*

This week's issue is brought to you by: The Colour Grey
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Great stories!


A Grey Day for An Ordinary Shoe Salesman
"What can I do to help you today?" I asked politely, my customary response to any new customer. She didn't respond, and only looked at me with grey eyes...

by mojoschweni


Things you should know about Usuls

by fressed


How to Care for Your Menacing Purple Bug
As with all creatures, your tiny purple bug needs four basic things to survive: sleep, food, water and a plethora of Hanso-related items.

by coco_bella


A Legend Begins Again: Part Three
"He's been late to meet us at the dock before, you know," he said.

"Yeah, but this time it's different..." Jacques insisted. "Something is wrong... very wrong!"

by medit92


April Fools?
Sandra, an orange Kougra, glanced at her teenaged owner from the stairs, a concerned look in her icy blue eyes.

"Mom, is everything alright? Say something!"

Also by sparkles0788

by acorna12

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