Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 190,988,152 Issue: 591 | 19th day of Eating, Y15
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

She never went near a Skeith ever again.

Celebrating Lutari Day

The Lutari remains to be a underrated Neopet, being the 3rd most unpopular Neopet after the Draik and the Krawk. And why is that? Perhaps of its rarity, or the fact that it is so often overlooked, but whatever it is, it's about time that we come to appreciate the Lutari. This Lutari Day can be perhaps the most rewarding and fun holidays to come, and here are some things you can do to celebrate it...

Guide to Storytelling

Each story begins with a different beginning, leaving off at some cliffhanger. Your job, as a storyteller, is to fill in the next few paragraphs of what happens next, before leaving off at another cliffhanger. Another storyteller will carry on where you left off, and so on. Nine segments later, you've got a complete story! The glory of Storytelling is that you don't even really have to know...

Best Sandwiches

There is no question that Neopia offers a wide range of food. An array of herbs and spices, an assortment of ingredients and numerous cooking techniques, each unique to a part of Neopia, go into the preparation of these fabulous meals. But even amid all these Neopian delicacies, sometimes it's time to come back down to the basics. What better way to do so than a sandwich?

Other Stories
"The Reverse Negg" by cookiez101
The Neopia-wide Festival of Neggs had been going on for a couple days now, and Reggie the red Shoyru had the luck of finding not one but none of the neggs being hidden throughout the land. It wasn't as if he wasn't trying his best to find the glossy gems; it was almost as if the neggs themselves were running away from Reggie...

"Mr. Jonathon Chambers" by allison_kitty11
The place was truly a work of art; the architect who'd designed it must have been the best in Neopia; who else could have created such an incredible masterpiece? The thief stared hungrily at the structure, his gaze filled with pure greed. He'd had his eyes set on this place for months, and now was finally...

"The Keepers" by kandeegrrl
A very peculiar Zafara answered the door. He was glowing - though Kendrick had always suspected that it was a result of his many hours in his lab, and had nothing to do with a paint brush - with unruly hair and wearing a lab coat and Wellington boots covered in some blue bubbly substance. "Little Kenny!" Uncle Arthur exclaimed...

Will The Storm Ever Stop?

This week's issue is brought to you by: Lutari Island
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Random Oddness
The real reason Hannah is on Kreludor.

by mistyqee


Something has happened!

by usuki_kid


Neopian Items: Sinister Skeith
She never went near a Skeith ever again.

by crymetothemoon


Of Terrible Yo Java and New 'Friends'
"Honestly," you would gripe to your friends, "no one likes Yo Java THAT much. I am sensing an ulterior motive."

by cc_coffman98


Lame Pun: Let The War Begin
Nuts, Bolts, and Gutter Ball

by blackaavar

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