Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 195,866,349 Issue: 880 | 18th day of Collecting, Y21
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Orlitz knew two things were certain: first, that Erin had vanished. Second, that the welcome center in which she had gone missing was, well, untouched. No sign of a struggle. No hint as to what had crashed. No clue, even, that another neopet had been inside in weeks. The Cybunny hurried through the desolate room. It was unbelievably dusty: evidently, no one had vacuumed in a while. What little light trickled in through the greenery draping over the windows revealed moted dustlight filtering through the air.

The Best Avatars For Halloween!!

The leaves have started to change and fall off their branches, Neopians everywhere have picked the pumpkin patches clear, the air has gotten a cold chill to it, and everything seems positively spook-tastic. Ghouls and goblins are starting to surface from the depths and the Haunted Woods seem just a little scarier than they usually do. Don't get me started on the creeps in the Deserted might be best to avoid that place this time of year, you might lose more than just a wallet full of neopoints!!

Neopia’s Favorite Fall Foods!

Fall in finally upon us and Neopia is bursting with the colors of the season! Everywhere you look, fall is making an appearance in our views, the scenery, and most importantly, the food! What better way to celebrate the changing of the season then by cozying up to the fireplace with a mug full of steaming autumn scents and a plate of the freshest fall treats bursting with a variety of flavours. If you are looking to indulge yourself in festive fall foods, look no further!

How to Dedicate Your Neopet's Life to Slorgs

If you’re a Neopet owner looking to for something fun and exciting to do, why not adopt a Neopet in need and dedicate its life to the best Petpet - the Slorg. There are many ways to go about helping your Neopet show its love for this slimy companion. They’re truly quite friendly, no wonder so many Neopian items have been designed with their representation in mind. In honor of Slorg Day, this guide can get you started with the honorable task.

Other Stories
"Mystery of the Brightville Vanishing:Part Two " by josephinefarine
Orlitz knew two things were certain: first, that Erin had vanished. Second, that the welcome center in which she had gone missing was, well, untouched. No sign of a struggle. No hint as to what had crashed. No clue, even, that another neopet had been inside in weeks. The Cybunny hurried through the desolate room. It was unbelievably dusty: evidently, no one had vacuumed in a while. What little light trickled in through the greenery draping over the windows revealed moted dustlight filtering through the air. To one side of the room were several empty desks: a few couches on the other. Shelves of old magazines and park maps lined the walls, accompanied by framed photos of Brightville. Nothing held a clue as to where Erin had gone. At the far end of the room were several doors. Orlitz rushed to them, desperately rattling their handles. All locked!

"A Story of the Haunted Woods:Part Six " by june_scarlet
They headed back upstairs and approached Samuel’s cage. “So, about the safe in the cellar,” said Ally. “How do you open it? Where’s the key? The combination?” added Saskori. “How do I open it?” said Samuel. “Quite easily, though I think you’ll find it much harder. There is no key or combination.” “Then how do you open it?” asked Saskori. “I’m afraid I have no reason to tell you,” he replied. “Well, then, I’m afraid we have no reason to release you,” said Alvideria. Samuel considered this. “Very well, release me, and I will open the safe for you.” “Okay-” started Ally, but Saskori cut her off. “No, we’ll release you only if you bring the sister back. And all the other ghosts.” Samuel frowned, but nodded. “Very well.” Alvideria reached for the cage, but Saskori stopped her. “Wait, we didn’t say we had to do it right now. I don’t quite trust him, and I think Nathan can keep a better eye on him than we could.”

"The Book of the Twelve:Part Six" by herdygerdy
Polmith was said to have come from an island that Tradym discovered on one of her voyages. Everyone on the island grew to enormous size, and Polmith himself was said to be twice as tall as the average Skeith. The two became fast friends and when Tradym decided to return home, Polmith asked to join her and learn about the strange continent beyond the horizon. Polmith was a man of tremendous wit as well as height, and would spend the evenings of their voyage home telling stories that reduced the crew to tears. He wielded magic common in his homeland, augmenting his size magically to become even stronger. When Tradym was eventually asked to join the Great Empire, she recommended Polmith as well. The Cybunny was dressed in sailor’s grab, a long overcoat to shield her from the rain. Though it was hardly needed there, the tropical rain forest they had discovered on the island was lush and humid.

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How to Dedicate Your Neopet's Life to Slorgs
If you’re a Neopet owner looking to for something fun and exciting to do, why not adopt a Neopet in need and dedicate its life to the best Petpet - the Slorg.

by jubileek


Bubble Trouble: Pop!
Uh... Where did they go?

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Throwing A Bori Day Party!
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Neopia`s weird items #1

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Edna's Evil Little Beach
Oh I gave the punchline away in the title

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by jesillu

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