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Neopets Cometh

It seems like everybody's talking about the recent arrival of Neopets merchandise. If you've got a story to share, and would like to tell the rest of Neopia about your experience shopping for Neopets items, then drop us an email -

Here's some of the things that people are saying...

dear neopets team,
It was your BEST idea ever to make merchandise! Next year when i go back to school (4th) I'll buy some of your notebooks! It would be great if you made other school items, like pencils, erasers and pens! And folders too! (Note that i'm probably the only person in neopia that loves school^_^) anyway, i can't wait till' you (hopefully) put out some kougra plushies. i have 1 aisha & 2 kougras. I've already got a white aisha plushie. I'll get a disco aisha plushie too this coming saturday! Thanks sooooo much for putting out merchandise! Bye!


Dear Neopets,
Thank you for coming to Singapore. When I got there, there were many people in the line. I thought that I was unable to get into MyEPB Bookshop. But, I went to the long queue and waited. Almost an hour passed, finally I could get in to the bookshop!

My heart was filled with joy. I grabbed a Cybunny Plushie, some packs of stickers and a notebook. The items totaled about S$35. When I got home, I quickly logged on to Neopets and went to the Item Code Station to redeem some rare items. I was very, very happy that day.

Hello there fellow neopian fans!
When I heard about neopet stickers and etc. coming to limited too I was soooooooooo excited! I begged my mom to take me and my sis (lildragon275) to limited too. Finally I got her to say... YES! I was sooooo happy!

When I went there at first all I got, because my mom wouldn't let me buy alot, was 3 sticker sheets and a tattoo sheet. I was really bummed 'cause I really wanted the cybunny plushie.

But on my B-day I bought a notebook, some stickers and tattoos, and THE CYBUNNY PLUSHIE THAT I WANTED SOOOOOOO BAD!

I was really happy! I hope you come to Georgia! Please not during school days maybe Sat or Sun. I hope you put out bruce plushies and jetsams!

From my rare item codes I got: aisha ears, scorchio bank, aisha compact mirror and more stuff that I can't remember! (shame on me).

Thank you for puttting out the merchandise. I'm so happy with my cybunny. (I named it Frosty on account that she's blue) ^-^.


Hi to all Neopets Staff out there,
I'm from Singapore and was so excited to hear that Neopets was coming! My mom and I woke up about 6.00am in the morning! When we reached Suntec City, it was about 8:30am. And hey! There was a HUGE crowd! I was hoping that I would be among the first 1,000 visitors to get the Free Stickers, and I did :)

It was about 10:10am when I reached the EPB bookstore. Wow! There were so many neopets items! And I saw Anthony and Keith there drawing.. They drew a Krawk for me! It's beside me now:) Oh, before I forget, I bought a Scorchio plushie, stickers, a keyring and a pendant. Way 2 go, Neopets!


When I heard there was going to be neopets at Limited Too (my all time favorite store) I rushed to tell my mom and dad. So the day after they came out we went to Limited Too.

I managed to get a white aisha plushie, blue aisha plushie, scorchio plushie, neopets notebook, and when the purple chias came out I got 1 of those :) Keep up the good work, I'm really glad you did this :-P


Dear Neopets team,
I remember myself envying the other Neopets players from the States when real life Neopets merchandise was being sold in the Limited Too stores. How I wish there was one in Singapore too! Needless to say, when I read from your site about Neopets coming to Singapore for a day, I felt as though my wish had come true!

I started spreading the good news to all my friends who are Neo-addicts just like me and was anxiously counting each passing day as the BIG DAY drew closer.

I even shared my excitement with my boyfriend who knows about my crazed-obsession with your site and made him go with me. He's a non-player by the way, but I'm trying to get him to play! *grins*

We woke up exceptionally early the next day just to be the 1st thousand people in line for the free stickers. I must say I'm pretty impressed with the event because even though we turned up an hour early, there was already a longgggggggggggg queue outside the myEPB Bookstore in Suntec City.

Initially, we thought we'll never be able to make it to the 1st thousand and a pang of disappointment surged upon me. But we still continued queuing up though cos I wanted to bring some Neopets items home.

I guess we were one of the oldest people around (Early twenties), seeing all the kids and teens queueing up before and after us. It took us almost 2 hours before we could get into the shop. It was a long wait, but I'm glad we did it. I got my free sticker too which comes with a rare item code! Hip Hip Hurray!

Once we were inside the shop, I couldn't set my mind on which plushie to get (I only wanted one). I asked my boyfriend for suggestions and he told me to get both the Yellow Chia and Blue Aisha cos they are just soooooooooo cute! He told me it's a one day event afterall and no harm buying more of it.

I bought all the stickers available in addition to the free stickers I already have plus two notebooks, a tattoo and a packet of Neoscapes! I saw some kids walking past me with a Limited Edition Purple Chia in their arms but thought my yellow one's pretty cool too.

I spent an hour inside the shop and another 15 minutes queueing up for payment. While queuing up, I spotted Anthony and Keith busy drawing Neopets characters for everyone. It's so nice of them!!

I even spotted Lupe walking around with some "Neopets reporters" giving interviews. I spent a total of S$ 78 on Neopets items that day! But I still think it's worth it! Hehe...

While on our way out, there was still a long queue outside the shop. It sure is a successful event cos I saw articles about Neopets and the event spread out all over the local newspapers the following day. You have such a loyal fan base here in Singapore. So how about setting up a store here as well? *winks winks*
