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Neopets Cometh

It seems like everybody's talking about the recent arrival of Neopets merchandise. If you've got a story to share, and would like to tell the rest of Neopia about your experience shopping for Neopets items, then drop us an email -

Here's some of the things that people are saying...

Dear Neopets,
I have to say I'm really happy with the notebooks I've gotten from the Limited Too store. As a matter of fact, it's perfect for recording all of my quests, pet stat changes, wish lists, and so on. But when I saw that Disco Aisha plushie, I just had to have one! It's the cutest disco pet to date, and the plushie does not disappoint.

The neoitem of the same name just doesn't do it justice; the real one is so soft and fluffy and cuddleable. Now if you could really make those Disco Aisha items like the hat and backpack, I'd have a coordinating set of accessories ready to go! :)

Thanks for making some fun real stuff to go with our fun pretend stuff!

Dear neopets,
I absolutely love my disco aisha plushie that I managed to grab on my recent trip to Limited Too. I couldn't believe that there were any left when I arrived... I got one of the five remaining.

Now my aisha plushie collection is complete! (Until you guys create a new one... a desert one perhaps? *hint hint*) Thank you guys so much for creating neopets! It really is my life!


Hi Neopets!
My mom went to visit the states a few weeks ago and she got me a bag of neopets stuff and I'm more then happy! I almost couldn't sleep that night, but I did, sharing the bed with 3 adorable plushies ^_^

She basically got me almost everything: plushies, a charm, keyring, all the stickers, visors, and some rare item codes, hehe*giggles like a little kid* Anyways I'm still waiting til neopets comes to Canada cuz that's where I live... I'm hoping that's going to happen, right? *nudge nudge*


Some of our friends said we were nuts to even consider it. But my wife and I were resolved to finally get our hands on some desperately desired plushies, stickers, and... basically, whatever merchandise we could get our hands on!

As if living halfway across the globe did not help, Neopets' first Asian outing was in Singapore, which for us deprived Malaysians, it meant having to travel almost 150 miles south. But, against all odds and some would say "common sense," we did it. And we're so glad for it!

Having found the horrendously long queue at the opening hours outside myEPB bookstore at Suntec City, we were pushed near to the brink of giving up.

But hey, what the heck, after all the effort getting here, we decided to give it another shot and return in the afternoon. To our amazement, the queue had shrunk considerably, reduced to being just within the bookstore.

We managed to grab for ourselves some stickers, neoscapes and plushies (though only Chia and Cybunny were available then) before paying our dues at the queue for Anthony and Keith's precciioouusss strokes. Finally, after 4 hours of agonizing wait, we finally got our Jetsam and Moehog sketches from none other than the newly shaven Anthony. (Yes, we can still recognise him!)

The second most satisfying moment of our trip was the miraculous discovery of a sole remaining RED SCORCHIO PLUSHIE late in the day - neatly tucked away (but we believe was intentionally hidden) within an army of unsold Cybunnies at the highest shelf level! There were many teary eyed kids at that moment when the Big Scorchio (that's me wearing red) happily skipped away with the prized catch of the day.

Our heartfelt thanks for Neopets' visit to Singapore, and the artists and crew for matching patience with the endless queue of Neopets fans. The Neopets magic has truly begun to brighten this part of the world.

Speedeedo and Babychootie

When I found out you had Disco Aishas in Limited Too ( my fave store) I went nuts with excitment! But then I found out I would be at my old babysitter's house for a visit ( the visit was fun though) when my twin and my mom would be at a concert.

So I begged them to get one for me and they suprised me with it and a rare item code when they picked me up! I named the aisha Daisy_123_neo after my red aisha. They said there weren't that many left. I got a disco aisha neckalace from the code.


Dear Neopets,
The day Disco Aisha Plushies came out, I begged my mother to take me to the Limited Too near us. I finally got her to say yes. It is a 2 hour drive there, so I packed up my Blue Aisha Plushie and my Scorchio, and worked on drawings of both of them. We finally got there, and I RAN to the mall. I got to Limited Too in record time! I rushed over to the Neopets Section and dug through the plushies. There were NO Disco Aishas left! I really felt like crying.

But then I saw this little girl throw one in the shoe section, and left it there. I dashed for the plushie, and another girl came after me, also trying to get it. I got lucky and got there before her. She got REALLY mad. (*laughs*) My mom also let me get a Blue Cybunny Plushie too. We went up to the counter and paid for the stuff. The lady working there gave me a rare item code, also. I was so happy! I hope one day you will make Kougra and Krawk Plushies. (Even though my mom is 42, she would most likely buy a Kougra Plushie!)
