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Neopets Cometh

It seems like everybody's talking about the recent arrival of Neopets merchandise. If you've got a story to share, and would like to tell the rest of Neopia about your experience shopping for Neopets items, then drop us an email -

Here's some of the things that people are saying...

Is this heaven?
This is the first thing that shot through my mind that Friday morning my mom was picking me up from school. I doubted it was coming here. We were a small town. I hadn't checked the store locator map, we had resorted to calling Limited Too.

The first thing my mom said to me is, "Guess what's in Limited Too?" I let my mouth hang open for a moment, then said, "Neopets?!" She nodded slowly.

I bounced up and down all over the car and sang my victory song. I was jumping off the ceiling! When we got to the mall I RAN in, RAN to Limited Too, and RAN to the display. I got a Kougra bracelet, a notepad, two packs of stickers and a white aisha plushie.

Thanks for considering the small cities, Neopets Team!

Hi all you NeoEmployees...

I just wanna tell you that you have one of the best merchandise line up's I have ever seen. I woke up on the sixteenth of March and went online, obviously enough, I went to Neopets. THEN I found out what time my local Limited Too opened up. It opened at 10:00 AM. It was about 8:30 when I found this out, and it takes about 15 minutes to get to Limited Too, so I begged my mom drive me over at 9:30. Mind you, I'm a boy, and going into a Limited Too shop is... well... quite frightening.

Anyways, I got there as most of the shops were barred off... but Limited Too wasn't. I was so overjoyed! I ran in and looked at the Neopets rack. I saw the familiar logo and went crazy. "I want this one, and this one would be cool, also." I said to my mom as I picked out stickers, plushies, and notebooks. Before I was done, to my surprise, a group of 3 boys my age walked in! I started to talk to them, and they told me their Neopets names. I went to pay for all my stuff and received a rare item code, and left. I had already had a great day. Then, later on in March, I found out that I had the rarest plushie, the white Aisha.

Congratulations on giving so many people this happiness.

When i heard that Neopets stuff was coming to Limited Too, i went crazy! i am really obsessed with Neopets so I was counting down the days till that day. i went to the mall and went straight to Limited Too. i was the first customer in there but i had to wait for like 10 minutes because they didn't put the Neopets stuff out yet. i grabbed a sheet of stickers and two notebooks i searched around for something with a Bruce on it besides the notebook i already had, no such luck! i bought them and remembered to ask for the free rare item code 4 da 1st 50 people to ask. i got all i wanted and then double checked to see if i had over looked a Bruce item. i was so excited about getting Neopets stuff!

Neopets r da best and so r Ltd 2!!

I just have to say... WOW!

I ran into my nearest Limited Too store at about 11:00 AM on March 16th , I probably seemed like a stampede, lol...

I went straight to the Neopets merchandise! I'm impressed, the quality is great and the stuff is adorable! And the prices are reasonable considering the fact this stuff is barely sold anywhere...

I bought a Kacheek necklace and the charm bracelet with Aisha, the Faerie Paint Brush, and "The Star" (That's what I call it cuz I don't know what it's really called, hee hee!) I was about to buy a plushie, but there's not one of either of my favorite neopets!

Have you ever thought of making JubJub or Kacheek plushies? That would be a great idea, so would some clothes or hair accesories! Anyway, I got a rare item code card for being one of the first 50 to ask for one, and I got a Massive White Aisha Cake!

I wear my neopets stuff everywhere, to friend's houses, to the mall, for grocery shopping, to stay at home, for casual parties, for evening parties, and so much more, to show my love for Neopets!

Everyone stops me and looks at my bracelet and necklace and tells me "How adorable! What is it?" I simply reply "Neopets!" and tell them to go to!

I love Neopets, and whoever is reading this, go to Limited Too and feast your eyes on Neopets merchandise galore!

Obsessed neopets user,

Hey Neostaff!

I must say that I absolutly LOVE your stuff. A few weeks ago I was at the mall with my mom just window browsing when I saw a sign for neopets merchandise at Limited Too. (I had heard about it before but I forgot) I eagerly asked my mom if we could stop in for a minute to see what they had. As I was looking around for any plushies that I have as a neopet (an eyrie, blumaroo, aisha and zafara).

I found an Aisha plushie in the exact color that my pet is! (blue) Anyway, neopets has really gotten around my 5th grade class, all my friends are really into it! My favorite neopet would have to be a Chomby, but you cant make them anymore, that stinks!! :-(

Anyhow I just wanted you to know that I love your stuff.