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Neopets Cometh

It seems like everybody's talking about the recent arrival of Neopets merchandise. If you've got a story to share, and would like to tell the rest of Neopia about your experience shopping for Neopets items, then drop us an email -

Here's some of the things that people are saying...

Wow! I don't know when I've been more excited than when I found out about Neopets stuff! I've gone twice so far, and loved it both times.

The first time was the Tuesday after the big launch. There was so much cool stuff - it made me glad I don't waste my money! I bought a pack of general Neopets stickers, a Fyora necklace, and a Kougra keychain. Before this, I had trouble deciding what keychain to use because I collect keychains - now, I know exactly which one to use!

Later, I went back to a different Limited Too, thinking they might have the Neoscapes and stuff. They did! I bought some magnets that are now scattered across my fridge and some cute blue Aisha earrings that I am proud to wear ;). Neopets stuff is really cool and a great way to display Neopets pride! I love it!!!


Hiya Neopets Staff!

I just want to tell you that I'm your biggest fan. Everyone at school says I need to get off of neopets. Yay right, like that's ever going to happen! Well on the day neopets came out I was up a 6:30! I kept telling my mom to hurry up or I'll miss all the white ashia dolls! Then she told that LTD TOO didn't open until 10:00. I didn't want to waste all my free time so of course I went on neopets. When we finally left I was jumping up and down up and down. When we parked in front of the mall, my mom was talking on the phone! When she got off I ran inside the mall, up the stairs and to LTD TOO. When I got there, nobody was outside the store. As I peered inside the store I did see some people. I walked up to where the neopets stuff was and felt like I had been punched in the stomach. ALL the white aishas were GONE!

It was only 10:02! After I got my blue ashia, Faerie Queen necklace, faerie stickers, battledome stickers, a Kauvara notebook and what I call 'Escaping from the Comp' notebook. I asked the lady who was at the counter what happened to all the white ashia dolls and she said: 'Well everybody outside the shop was staring at me, so I didn't know what to do. So I opened the shop at 9:15.' Almost a week later I went back to LTD TOO and got a scorchio charm bracelet. Then before we left, I asked her if they get any white ashia dolls. She didn't think they would get any more so she called the one on the plaza. After she said they reserved one for us I couldn't believe it! So on Sunday I ran into the store and I had finally got it. Thanks for all the merch! You should make a faerie lupe plushie, now THAT would go fast!

Thanks! Obsessed neopet owner,

As I was reading about what other people had to say about the Limited Too stuff I decided to write about my Limited Too adventure. Once I found out about the Neopets stuff that's going to be at Limited Too I went to school and talked about it with all the friends I got hooked on Neopets. Eventually I made plans with one of my friends to go to Limited Too on the Saturday it all started. We ran straight to the store and when I got in I went right to the Neopets stuff. My friend said she never saw me go so fast in her life. When we were checking out we had a nice conversation with the cashier about our pets. For the rest of the day I walked around the shopping center petting my blue Aisha Plushie. Someone even asked me where I got my plushie because she thought it was cute (of course it's cute!!). Later on that day we went back to Limited Too and got some stickers for another of my friends that couldn't come with us. It was nice to have actual Neopets stuff. My day was complete after I went in all the stores with my plushie.

Thanks, I am broke now,

Dear Neopets,

I didn't get a chance to go to Limited Too for about 2 weeks after the stuff came out. I only have my permit, so I have to wait for my mom to say she wants to go to the mall. So while my mom was paying for my Prom dress, I ran snuck out to Limited Too!

I ran the whole way across the mall. I'm sure everyone thought I was a lunatic. When I got to Limited Too, I started freaking out because there were two Neopets posters in the windows. I ran in and accidently knocked over some shirts! When I finally made my way to the Neopets display case, it was like a total shrine.

There were stickers, notebooks, bracelets, and plushies! I got the faerie stickers and the rainbow colored notebook. I was disappointed because there was no air faerie *my fave!* on the stickers.

I'm saving up money because I'm hoping my Uni *yellow* and my Moehog *red* will come out as Plushies!!!!!! Thank you guys so much, I thought that I'd never be able to buy Neopets stuff!

Obsessed neopets user,

Dear Neopets,

I just wanted to say that I absolutely LOVE the new merchandise! I talked my mom and best friend into going to the mall with me to go to limited too! I was the oldest person there who wasn't a parent or working (I am 16) but I proudly bought a necklace and stickers anyway :) I wear my fyora necklace every single day and I get so many compliments on it!

Thanks neopets!

When I heard Neopets would come to Limited Too, I went ballistic. I love Limited Too, and I was crazy for Neopets, and they were so perfect together. Every day I counted down and sometimes had trouble falling asleep. The day Neopets merchandise was finally coming, I rushed my mom to the mall and practically ran all the way. I was a bit worried that I would be too late for the codes, but thank goodness I wasn't. I used up all my allowance to get the one and only super rare white aisha plushie. I was so happy it felt like the virtual world was colliding with my world. The next week I bought up the Quiggle stickers. I will also get that purple Chia someday. They are so cute!
