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PS2-The Darkest Faerie | PSP-Petpet Adventures

Neopets Cometh

It seems like everybody's talking about the recent arrival of Neopets merchandise. If you've got a story to share, and would like to tell the rest of Neopia about your experience shopping for Neopets items, then drop us an email -

Here's some of the things that people are saying...

Hey there TNT,
I must say I love your merchandise--it all looks quite realistic, not at all like those unrealistic and flimsy promotional items that usually come out. I am the proud owner of one real-life plushie! =D (Which is, if you're wondering, a Purple Interactive Shoyru, so cute!)

My friend and I have made a habit of collecting plushies, though I have to say, she's beating me by a lot. The Plushie Shoyru Plushie was adorable and I was heartbroken when my friend got the last one in stock. I haven't seen the Meepit Plushie lately either. I think you should restock more often... =/ There are so many merchandise items that so many people want to acquire; most don't get any because they have to wait until a holiday, their birthday, etc. to get one.

Anyway, thanks so much for making us such wonderful items! I've been a loyal Neopetter for almost 4 years, and the merchandising hasn't changed the site at all (like some pessimistic friends of mine predicted).

Yours truly,

Hello TNT!
When I started playing neopets I didn't know it was so cool! I really like the wockies; they're so cute! A friend of mine brought me a wocky plushie from the US. I live in Holland and don't own a credit card. :( Also, I'd like to ask if you could introduce neopets to Europe. It would be great! A lot of people in Europe are waiting for the day that happens :D. Anyways, my wocky plushie is pulling me away from the computer. xD


This Christmas (after nearly a full year of anticipation, waiting) I bought The Darkest Faerie for PS2... Between the computer and the gaming console my family has (almost) all the Neopets we can handle!! No more complaining when one of us is in our Neopets account on the computer because now the other can simply turn on the PS2 and play The Darkest Faerie; everyone is happy!

The Darkest Faerie is exactly our favorite sort of console game. If (for example) you love playing games like Zelda, Jak & Daxter, Rayman or Banjo Kazooie... this is the perfect game for you. Even if they've never ventured toward playing action adventure type games I can assure any Neopets fan that they'll love The Darkest Faerie. It brings the Neopets you know and love right into your home with visually stunning graphics!

You begin play as a Lupe named Tormund and after a while you'll switch to an Acara named Roberta - eventually you'll have the ability to toggle between the two characters using either Roberta's magic or Tormund's combat skills at will. You navigate Neopia, completing various quests, collecting items and fighting villains. The story line is a lot of fun and you'll find lots of peripheral tasks and treasure maps to keep you plenty busy.

The attention to detail is really quite amazing and even the background music is most pleasing! I just wanted you to know how much I'm enjoying The Darkest Faerie and while I'm at it - for the many years of enjoyment you've given me. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone at Neopets!


Hey Neopets Team!
The merchandise rocks! My grandma and I were at the mall, shopping for clothes for her and all that. My 2 brothers are also Neopet fans, but not as much as me! ^_^ While we were shopping, I saw Limited Too. I told my grandma about neopets a few weeks before, but she didn't understand it. I remembered seeing in the news that Neopets stuff was at Limited Too, so I asked my grandma if we could go in.

She thought I wanted to look at the clothes (My brothers and I were getting clothes too) so she said okay. My brothers did not know your merchandise was in Lt. Too, and since it was all girly looking, they stayed away from the store. I stood at the entrance, looking for the Neopets stuff. I saw it all the way in the back, and I RAN to it, almost knocking this little girl over. I looked and begged my grandma if I could get something; she took one look at all the cute plushies and agreed!

I got a Shadow Gelert Plushie and Issue 5 of the Neopets Magazine. When I came out with my cute Gelert plushie, my brothers were amazed! I got tons of questions about what pets and stuff they had! Now I have a Shadow Gelert, Red Gelert, Baby Gelert, Mazzew, Speckled Cybunny, Cloud Scorchio, Plushie Kacheek, and millions of McDonald's plushies!

I am a huge fan of Neopets and I LOVE the merchandise! I recently moved to Florida and I miss all of my friends in Pennsylvania! I want for this Christmas to get my two best friends in PA an Aisha Plushie and a Kougra Plushie, but I have never seen them in Lt. Too! Please think of making those! I also adore Gelerts and would LOVE an Island Gelert plushie, so think of that too! Please hurry because all of my Christmas money will not be getting dusty in my bank account waiting!

Thanks a lot!

To the Neopets Team,
I absolutely adore your website. I simply love the design of the Neopets and the element of comedy around the site. To date, I've bought more than 35 TCG Booster Packs, two pre-made Decks, the Adventures in Neopia Board Game, and the cute Voice Activated Yellow Kacheek, and I have a drawer full to the brim of Neopets McDonald's Plushies (more than 60, please don't make me count them again!). Stay cool.

From your obsessed die-hard Neofan,