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Neopets Cometh

It seems like everybody's talking about the recent arrival of Neopets merchandise. If you've got a story to share, and would like to tell the rest of Neopia about your experience shopping for Neopets items, then drop us an email -

Here's some of the things that people are saying...

'Allo there TNT,
I absolutely love the Neopets Magazine!!! I've gone on a buying rampage, buying all the magazines I could!! I finally sent in a subscription, and I can't wait to get my first magazine!! The guides are absolutely marvelous!!

So far, my favorite magazine is issue #14; it has a negg guide, a guide for Extreme Herder, a guide for Igloo Garage Sale, and even a guide for Taelia's quests!!! Simply wonderful. Keep up the fantabulous work!!!

Thanks a million,

Dear neopets team,
I just love your plushies! I wasn't sure where to find your merchandise until the 28th of February when my family went to the mall. We were walking around when I spotted Limited too. I heard they had plushie neopets there. We went in and found tons of neopets items.

My sister bought the baby cybunny plushie and I bought the shadow kougra. They are sooooo cute! Keep up the good work with plushies!


(P.S. Please make a draik plushie!)

First of all, let me start out by admitting that I am a complete freak. You'll come to this conclusion yourself before I'm done, and you may wonder if I'm aware of it, so we'll just get that out of the way. Okay. So I was going through my coupons that expired at the end of the month and saw that one of the cereal coupons listed Islandberry Crunch on it.

Surely my store would finally be carrying it now that it's important enough to be on a coupon, right? Being the cereal nut that I am, I was excited. I love cereal. I eat it all the time for any meal. So I went to the store last night and was searching and searching the long row of cereal boxes, looking for The One. And there it was. Right in the middle, right at the perfect level for wandering eyes to stop on it.

I grabbed it and almost did a happy dance right there in the store. (This is where you say, "Wow, she's a total freak," and I reply, "Yes, I know, we've covered that already.") This is a testament to your brilliant marketing, that a grown woman would be excited about buying a lousy box of cereal just because it has your name and artwork on it.

To me, it means that my secret obsession can finally be brought to the light of day without shame, because hey, everybody loves cereal, and if it's on a box of cereal, it must be wholesome and good. Well done, and keep those coupons coming!


I just wanted to say that neopets ROCKS!! I love it soooooo much! I am very addicted! I can't wait until more neopets McDonald's plushies come out! I have about 45 of them!! I thought maybe you could make another video game that is like neopets where you choose what the neopet looks like and earn NP from doing tasks and buy things in neopian shops!! Think about it!!


Greetings oh almighty members of TNT!
I absolutely ADORE your merch! Every time I go to the mall, I drag whoever's with me into Limited Too to look at and fawn over all the different plushies. I've even met a few neofriends that I still keep in touch with there! I currently own a Plushie Shoyru Plushie, a Plushie Kougra Plushie, and a Pirate Blumaroo Plushie.

Not to mention the various TCG cards, the Gruslen, Puppyblew, and Doglefox plushies, the interactive blue kacheek and green ixi toys, AND my 40 some odd McDonald's plushies! I love them all! I also bought my friend Tink a Brown Uni plushie, and I've given my little cousins all McDonald's plushies, and all three signed up!

Even my older brother has an account, and he's 21! I just love everything that you've done on the site, and really hope you keep it up! Thanks a bunch for your time and effort!
