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Neopets Cometh

It seems like everybody's talking about the recent arrival of Neopets merchandise. If you've got a story to share, and would like to tell the rest of Neopia about your experience shopping for Neopets items, then drop us an email -

Here's some of the things that people are saying...

Hey TNT,
I was waiting and waiting for your cereal to come out, and now that it's finally here, I grabbed a box and I love it! I have a bowl of it every morning. I really think you should come up with some more food products--or perhaps candy neggs that look like the neggs on here but each have their own flavor. I've always wondered what a negg tastes like.

Keep up the good work,

Hola TNT,
I love Neopets so I thought it would be nice to own Neopets merchandise. I begged my mom for one of the Baby Scorchio Clips and she finally did buy it from Limited Too. I was so happy. The Baby Scorchio is so cute; now I have it clipped onto my book bag when I go to school. It's so adorable; it's my own little baby Scorchio to hug. I named her Belle.

Belle says, "Bye!"

Dear TNT,
I just wanted to say that I am addicted to neopets and its merchandise! Every time I see a Limited too I have to run in there and I HAVE to buy a neopets plushie! I have too many to count! I hope you come out with some more neopets at Mcdonald's!

At first my friends thought I was weird for going on neopets and how I was so addicted to it but about a month ago I showed them Neopets and how to do everything and what you could do on it. My friends all signed up and are now all addicted to it. Keep up the good work with the site and the merchandise. Thanks for everything! ;D

Completely addicted fan,

Wow! I love the neopets merchandise! I've got lots of neopets folders for school, pencils and a pen, lots of plushies, all the magazines, a neopets notebook, a handheld neopet, lots of computer stickers, a mouse pad, a CD case, 3 neopets clips, and a visor. (I have a lot more but I don't want to bore you to death!) Well, bye!


Hello TNT,
I am a Canadian and I want you to know that I wish the neopets cereal was here in Canada. I LOVE this website! I have a LOT of McDonald's neopets. I have a wish. I wish that you would put neopets into McDonald's again. Well, I have two interactive neopets: a white Uni and a Red Kougra.

I also have 5 of the little action figures: a blue Shoyru, a blue Gelert, a green Chomby, a Green Moehog, and a red Wocky. I also have a Scorchio warrior with his Moltenore. So I LOVE the website and the moichandise. I am looking forward to the Lutari (the new neopet coming soon). Well, I am excited to see if you put neopets back with McDonald's, so bye!


Dear Neopets Team,
I absolutely love neopets! I discovered neopets in school when this girl in my class brought in an electronic scorchio toy. She explained to me all about neopets. That night I went on and got hooked! I now own 12 electronic toys, the whole figurine set, at least 40 plushies, 12 notebooks, 5 sticker packs (which are now on all of the notebooks), and pocket neopets.

My favorite plushie, sticker set, notebook, and electronic toy is the blue kougra. I love blue kougras. Do you think you could make a jumbo blue kougra, like the jumbo white kougra and shadow kougra? I'd love that!


Dear Neopets Team,
I found an outdated edition of the Neopets Magazine at one of my local bookstores. It was #10 and the issues were about to #12 or #13. It still interested me because I had never read a Neopets magazine so I didn't know it was outdated. I played on Neopets every day and had always wanted to read these magazines.

I began reading and I couldn't pull my attention away. I begged my mother to let me get it. I convinced her and now I know so much about Neopets that I've become a teacher to my best friends who have just started. Thank you for being so much fun, Neopets.

Your crazed fan,

Hey TNT!
I just wanted to tell you all that I got a PS2, and The Darkest Faerie Video game for my brother for his birthday, and he and I am both amazed! The graphics are awesome, the plot is fantasic, the game as a whole is great!

I think that if any fellow neopians are thinking about getting this game, it'll be worth it! I'm stuck on a part now, but the game is too good for words!


Dear TNT,
I just wanted to say thank you for your plushies! The two times they were at Mcdonald's in the U.S., I went to Mcdonald's as much as I could. Then when my cousin came to see me, I gave some of them to him! I also have a Harris plushie that I got for Christmas, and my brother got a Kougra plushie. The Harris one is cute!


Dear neopets team,
I live in Saskatchewan so it's hard to get neopet toys there. But I so far have 83 neopet toys in total! I have all the species from McDonald's 2004 & 2005 except the speckled negg. I really hope neopets come to McDonald's this year!

Your Fan,

P.S. NEOPETS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!