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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Page 1962

Goodbye Month of Hiding
by thusies

As the month of August draws to a close,
We ready ourselves and stretch touching our toes.
Making our way out of the darkest of caves,
We hear birds chirping and the crashing of waves.

Light bursts through the door,
Creeps through cracks in the boulder.
Warmth overwhelms me, 
When the light touches my shoulder.

We do not why but we start to collect,
Every shiny obsidian our eyes could detect.
We exit the cave to a world new and exciting,
It's gathering time, goodbye month of hiding.

An Ode to Pirate Fashions
by ascadianborn

From the Warf Wharf to the Smuggler's Cove,
For seekers of every treasure trove,
The finest fabrics that ever were wove,
Finer than any diamond.

Stripes, and patches, and peg-legs galore!
For a night on the town, or a sea-bound war,
You can't find such variety at any old store,
But you can find them on Krawk Island.

The Food Club boys will be jealous, it's true,
When they see how the sea air has modified you.
The captain'll be mighty impressed too,
He may even try to promote ye!

I've tried many paintbrushes on many a pet,
And none have pleased me as of yet
As much as the one Krawk Island Fashions beget.
It's a pirate's life for me!

A Guide for Rainy Days in Neopia
by outlander_

On days,
When it rains,
For days and days,
And Neopians are running out of things to do,
I have constructed this guide,
So we can make it out of this rainy weather alive.

One thing is for sure,
Rainy days are a bore!
Head to the Coffee Cave,
Grab yourself a cup and stay.

Listen to the stories,
Of made up things,
About heroes or,
Things that are only from dreams.

Once you are warm,
From coffee and stories,
And the rain is still pouring,
Your next stop is the NC Mall!

You know, as well as I,
We have been saving our neopoints for something to buy,
So go and treat yourself,
And your neopet,
Get him something that he won't forget.

And if the rain is still there by the time you are done,
Check yourself into the neolodge,
And have some relaxing fun.

A Neopian Summer
by dickies_8o8_gurl

Bathing suits and tank tops,
Slushies and fish pops,
From Easter we hop,
To summer.

Yooyuball for my team,
Making the Techo scream
Supporting the AC dream,
In  summer.

Nautical blue,
Sand inside my shoes,
Hair in my face too,
In summer.

A Mystery Island tour,
Treasures along the shore,
So much more that's in store
This summer.

A candelit night,
With the moon shining bright,
What a beautiful sight,
This summer.

Weeks quickly pass by,
Time really does fly,
Soon it's time to say bye,
To summer.

The heat goes away,
This season won't stay,
When we wake the next day,
Bye summer.

Attack of The Chia Clowns
by thesnarkknight13

Tonight, the carnival came into town.
The tents got invaded by Chia Clowns.
Parachutes with ammo fall from the skies.
The guests get splattered by cream pies.
A frightened Wocky loads her gun.
As soon as she fired, the war has begun.
Swiftly the Chia Clowns went.
They ducked behind every tent.
She knew she was running out of time.
But they won't get away with their crime
She would end the Chia Clown's Revolt.
She refused to lose to a bucket of bolts.
She aimed her gun and pulled the trigger.
Soon their army grew even bigger.
Her health started getting low.
That wasn't enough to stop her though.
She fired back at the evil machines,
Blowing them all to smithereens.
After celebrating the robots' defeat,
She ate their pies as a tasty treat.

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