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The Neopets Caption Competition

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The Caption Contest - Past Winners

This week's picture is shown below. We had many funny entries and the lucky winners were:

By going_down
Angry Pixel: Yes! It's finally my time to shine! Wait... what's this?
Out of the 160,000 pixels in this image, I got stuck INSIDE the clam?!?

By sour121
Neucloop: Let me get this straight -- he tripped... UNDERWATER? How is that even possible?!?

By brucey_b_boo
Clam: Hmm... needs salt.

By keylia155
Clam: You have a new quest! Get me a Tongue Shrinker Injection! You have 16 minutes left!

By baby_babe03__xx
Tongue attack? Evil clam? Wow, the Battledome must REALLY be running low on ideas for new challengers....

By the_button_factory
Moehog: I told you that a clam offering free cookies was to good to be true!

By omelette3802
Moehog: Sheesh... what's eating him?

By 12192
Maraquan Kau: Wow... tripping underwater without any feet. Impressive!

By 20155681
Moehog: Well, will you look at that... a clam with a tongue.
Clam: Uh, sure... let's go with that.

By walk_2_moons_6
Clam: Hey! I just brushed my tongue before you showed up... wipe your feet!!!

By zztwilightzz
Moehog: Oh man... I knew my owner should have painted me faerie!

By baby_boo432
Moehog: Owned!!!
Hippalop: Ouch....

By seraphicbrie2004
Moehog: Ouch! He's going to feel that in the morning...
Arkmite: I think he's feeling it right now!

By awnimoo
Arkmite: Yum... flippers.

By 001danny
The reason why there are so few pearl items in Neopia....

Quick Jump

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