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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 17th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 87 > Short Stories > JadePaw and the Pathetic Partner

JadePaw and the Pathetic Partner

by too_kule

"OK class, get out your science books," said a voice from the front of the room. And elderly green Kau with a blue dress covered in white spots entered the room. Her faded orange curly hair covered her head and her horns. She watched the class intently as they rummaged through their desks for their textbooks.

     "Ms. Hyper, I don’t know where my book is!" exclaimed a red Quiggle. His eyes were crossed in a comical fashion and he kept looking around the room.

     "Shoe, I took your book away when you tried to eat it. And my name is Ms. Heffer, not Ms. Hyper!" the teacher barked. "Now go share with JadePaw!"

     The red Quiggle looked to his right where JadePaw sat. JadePaw was sitting erect in her chair; cloud painted hands folded neatly on her science book. Square red spectacles sat on her long Draik snout. She looked over at Shoe and flashed him a smile. Shoe slowly nodded his head and looked over on her textbook.

     "OK class, turn to page 104," the teacher ordered the class. JadePaw flipped through her book to the page Ms. Heffer was talking about. "As you can see, this page describes a project. Corresponding with our studies on heat, you'll go into partners to create a thermos. Make sure you follow everything you've learned about heat to be able to trap it into a container. You can choose your own partners... Oh yes, JadePaw, can I have a word?"

     JadePaw slowly nodded and walked up to the front. How could I be in trouble, she thought. I've never done anything to get into trouble! She walked up to Ms. Heffer and was taken into the corner.

     "Now, you're a very bright student, you know that, correct?" the elderly Kau asked. JadePaw replied with a quick jerk of her head. "Good, so you won't mind if I partner you up with Shoe, would you?"

     "Shoe! But he's... er... not exactly all up there," JadePaw pointed out as she tapped the side of her own head.

     "Now JadePaw, Shoe may be a couple of threads short of a plushie but I'm sure with your guidance you can help him get an 'A'. Please? Remember, there's a position as hall monitor opening up this spring."

     JadePaw thought about this. Hall monitor? It was very tempting. The cloud Draik exhaled and nodded. "OK Ms. Heffer, I'll be Shoe's partner." JadePaw walked back to her seat where Shoe was trying to eat the book. She snatched the science textbook away from him and put on a reassuring smile. "Now Shoe, I'm going to be your partner for the thermos project. OK?"

     "Friend!" Shoe exclaimed as he leaped out of his chair and wrapped his Quiggle arms around JadePaw. JadePaw forced a smile. This won't be too bad, she thought. Will it?


Ding Dong! JadePaw sprang over to the door later on that evening. She opened it to see the familiar red Quiggle standing there. Like usual, his eyes were crossed and his head kept darting around as if he had just consumed four Tigersquash Cappuccino with a small Mint Tea to top it off.

     "Shoe, I told you to be here by 4:00 NST. It's now nearly six!" JadePaw exclaimed. "What happened?"

     Shoe entered the NeoHome with one of his fingers up his nose and replied with a simple, "I got lost."

     "But I made a track with red paint, set up six signs pointing to my house and told everyone I knew to tell you where to go," JadePaw replied.

     "Very confusing," Shoe murmured.

     Suddenly, a teenage boy entered the room. He was TK, JadePaw's owner. He walked over to the red Quiggle and put his hand out. "Hey, you must be 822_shU_73432_neo_2!" TK greeted.

     "TK, you aren't supposed to cal him that! Ms. Heffer says it brings back bad memories of the pound," JadePaw whispered.

     The Quiggle scratched his head and started looking at the ceiling. Shoe suddenly looked at TK with his crossed eyes. He pulled his finger out of his nose and shook TK's hand. TK pulled back his hand slowly and looked at it.

     "I think I need to take a shower," he muttered as he darted toward the washroom.

     "Erm... Shoe, why don't we go into the kitchen?" JadePaw asked.

     Shoe shuffled into the kitchen followed by JadePaw. JadePaw opened her backpack and took her science book out. She turned to Shoe who was staring at her. Shoe looked deep into JadePaw's crimson eyes. They glistened like two pools of strawberry jelly. Shoe just kept on staring at her.

     "ER Shoe? Are you OK? Come on, we've got to get a start on this project. I have an empty peanut butter jar we can use," JadePaw noted as she pulled out the plastic jar All we have to do is insulate it... probably something black will work. I'll go check my room, stay here." JadePaw hopped out of her chair and scurried off to her room.

     Shoe eyed the plastic jar. He shuffled over and picked it up. He held it in his hand and suddenly shoved it in his mouth as started chewing on it. He flattened the plastic jar in his mouth as JadePaw entered the kitchen.

     "I found this thick black--SHOE!" JadePaw shrieked. She ran over and pulled the peanut butter jar out of the Quiggle's mouth. The transparent jar was crushed flat. She looked over at Shoe who was licking the wall. She closed her eyes and breathed in, then out, then in, then out then finally looked back at Shoe. Shoe looked over at JadePaw.

     "Wallpaper is yummy in my tummy," Shoe said as he shuffled back over to JadePaw who put on a smile as sincere-looking as she could make.

     "Hehehe, that was real funny Shoe!" she lied. "We can use an empty can of Neocola to insulate instead. It won't be as good... but nothing's perfect, right?"

     Show ran up to her and wrapped his arms around her in a big bear-hug. The Draik struggled with all of her strength against the Quiggle and finally managed to peel Shoe off of her. She forced yet another smile.

     "OK, anyway this black fabric should insulate the can when we wrap it around the can. I'm lucky I found it, it was from a costume I had for a school play... we only have one of it though, so be sure not to wreck it. OK?" JadePaw asked as she held up the piece of fabric for Show to see. Shoe took it from JadePaw's hands and looked at her. Before she could do anything, he blew his nose on it. He wiped his nose again and handed it back to JadePaw.

     "Oh... hehehe," she managed to fake-laugh, but it came out forced and hoarse. "That's... good. ER OK, we can paint the can black then. That would store the heat then." She opened a cupboard door and pulled out a small container of paint and a long brush. She brought it back to the table and took the container's cap off. She poured some paint carefully onto a plate. As soon as Shoe saw it, his eyes lit up.

     "Finger paint!" he blurted out. Before the Draik could do anything, he grabbed JadePaw's hand and pulled it into the paint. Surprisingly Shoe had a lot of power in his arm, and pulled JadePaw's body too. Her face landed smack into the paint. JadePaw slowly brought her black face up to reveal a purely livid expression on it.

     "Look... what you... did," she stared at Show. You could almost feel the malevolence pulsing from her heart.

     "Friend!" Shoe exclaimed and hugged JadePaw again. JadePaw pushed Shoe away from her.

     "No Shoe, we aren't not friends. I hate you. I hate your crossed eyes. I hate your jerky neck. I hate that brain the side of an olive that's in your stupid Quiggle head! I've been nothing but polite. Get out of my house before I go all kung-fu AND MAKE YOU!" she shrieked.

     Shoe's hung his head. A single tear dropped from his eye. The Quiggle walked over to the door and shut it behind him. JadePaw just stood there, feeling rotten to the core.


The next week, JadePaw entered her Neoschool classroom with her thermos project in her hand. She beckoned Shoe and walked over to the teacher. After the incident at her house, she didn't talk to Shoe again and finished the project all alone. She planned on informing the teacher how much Shoe really did.

     "Is there a problem JadePaw?" Ms. Heffer asked.

     "It's about Shoe and I," JadePaw said. JadePaw looked over to Shoe standing next to her. Shoe was staring at his feet.

     "Oh, how was the project? No problems with the partnership I suspect," Ms. Heffer said.

     "As a matter of fact--" JadePaw began. She looked back over to Shoe. Was it really his fault he was a couple stripes short of a Buzzer? "There wasn't a problem at all Ms. Heffer." Shoe's face lit up. JadePaw laughed as she saw him dance around.

     "That's great JadePaw, I knew it would work out! And since you did so well on this project, I've decided to pair you two up for the rest of the projects this year!"

The End

Author's Note: Shoe (822_shU_73432_neo_2) is a real Neopet and belongs to my kuleio account. The Neopets in that account will be used whenever I'm in need of a character in one of my short stories. Anyway, Neomailing will feedback (good or bad) is appreciated. Thanks!

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